node-red-contrib-device-monitor 0.0.2

Device monitor that pings and checks arp to determine whether device is connected to local network

npm install node-red-contrib-device-monitor


Device monitor is a node-red plugin that pings all devices on your local network and then checks arp table to check whether the device is still connected to the network. Ping result will be used to check whether device is active, arp result whether device is connected.


Run the following command in your .node-red/ directory:

npm install node-red-contrib-device-monitor

Setup node


Set the intervalSeconds value to an integer > 0. It is the time between iterations. Note that shortest interval is the duration it takes to check device status. Actual interval is: maximum(intervalSeconds, scriptDuration);


Devices are defined as an array. Each element consists of a name and macAddress property. E.g.:

    "name": "name of device",
    "macAddress": "00:11:22:33:44:55"


Every {intervalSeconds} seconds an event is emitted with the following payload:

  name: string, // matches input name
  mac: string, // matches input mac
  ip?: string, // ip address if device was found
  active: boolean, // indicator whether device was pingable
  connected: boolean, // indicator whether device was found in arp table
  notActiveCount: number, // counter how many times device was not pingable, (resets when pingable)
  notConnectedCount: number, // counter how many times device was not in arp table, (resets when found)

Node Info

Version: 0.0.2
Updated 1 year, 8 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: not yet rated





11 in the last week


  • node-red
  • monitor
  • device
  • ping
  • arp
  • home
  • network
