node-red-contrib-daikin-ac 1.0.3

Nodes for controlling Daikin A/C

npm install node-red-contrib-daikin-ac

This is a small wrapper for daikin-controller so that Daikin air conditions can be easily controlled using NodeRED.


  • Add the function node daikin-controller to a flow
  • Configure host name and possibly options for the A/C
  • In the daikin-contoller-node either select the method from the library daikin-controller that you'd like to call or set the method name using message.topic.
  • If the node daikin-controller receives a message, it will call the appropriate method of the library. If the target method receives two arguments, the payload will be passed as first argument. A callback will automatically be passed as second argument and the result returned by that callback will be used to generate a new message from this node.

See the documentation of daikin-controller for details on what you can do.


Configure an inject mode like this and feed the message into daikin-controller to set the target temperature to 22°C: screenshot of inject node


Contributions are welcome. Contributions containing unit tests are even more welcome.


MPL 2.0

Node Info

Version: 1.0.3
Updated 3 years, 2 months ago
License: MPL-2.0
Rating: 5.0 1




8 in the last week


  • daikin-controller
  • daikin-device


  • node-red
  • daikin
  • air conditioning
