node-red-contrib-cryptography 0.0.4
Simple cryptography, hash with SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160
Simple NodeRed Node for cryptography.
Simple hash with AES-256 and RIPEMD-160
A sample Flow:
More for this Node-Red Node on
npm install node-red-contrib-cryptography
Input String in msg.payload: "Der Text von dem der Hash gebildet wird. Er soll auch mal ein paar Umlaute enthalten wie öü oder ÖÜ"
Output Hash with AES-256 in Hex: "9307f6730bb57a068c3662c775649c4fbadfb0ddf3d11c43e525259a43c1a150"
A sample Flow is in the /examples Dir.
It is a wrapper for Node.js crypto Lib from
Sample Flow SHA-256
NodeRed Gui:
Sample Flow RIPEMD-160
NodeRed Gui: