node-red-contrib-createrandom 1.2.0

Create random values using configurable type generators.

npm install node-red-contrib-createrandom

Generate a random value of a certain type using customizable generators.

Quick Start

After installation, the node should be listed under the [common] category.

  1. Drag a [random] node onto the palette and open it.
  2. Select a generator type.
  3. Configure options if available. Alternatively, select [] to provide the value in an incoming message.
  4. Use a [inject] node or other method to trigger the value creation.

The node output will always contain two values:

Generator: The name of the generator used. Payload: The randomly created value.

Check out the contextual help for the full list of generators and additional info.


1.2.0 - Fixed error handling. Note: User generator now outputs a single user object instead of an array containing one single object. 1.1.1 - Fixed NPM packaging. 1.1.0 - Add random user generator. Convert all ops to promises.


Created by: Vahdettin [email protected]

Copyright Vahdettin under the Apache 2.0 license.

Node Info

Version: 1.2.0
Updated 1 year, 3 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: not yet rated




4 in the last week


  • createrandom


  • node-red
  • uuid
  • guid
  • random
  • test data
  • development
  • testing
  • random user
