node-red-contrib-cb-suncron 2.1.4

A Node-RED node that triggers configurable outgoing messages based on the position of the sun

npm install node-red-contrib-cb-suncron


A Node-RED node that can output configurable messages at significant sun events

Supported Sun Events

  • Sunrise
  • Sunrise End
  • Golden Hour End
  • Solar Noon
  • Golden Hour
  • Sunset Start
  • Sunset
  • Dusk
  • Nautical Dusk
  • Night
  • Nadir
  • Night End
  • Nautical Dawn
  • Dawn


For one of the above sun events a distinct msg.payload and msg.topic can be configured. It is also possible to specify an offset to adjust the event time.

The location (lat / lon) is set up via a configuration node to make reusing/identifying it easier.

suncron-location config node

suncron node

Outgoing messages

The node will emit messages at the specified sun event with the specified offset. Outbound messages will have a msg.payload and msg.topic as configured in the editor.

Known issues

Depending on your configured location (lat / lon) and time of the year, you might notice some sun events not being triggered. This is not an error but how lighting works on earth. For example in polar regions, they sometimes have day (or night) for weeks at a time. But even in Berlin / Germany there might not always be a distinct 'night' event as the sun during summer does not go below the astronomical twilight treshold.

Contributions and Suggestions

... are always welcome! Just file a GitHub issue or pull request!

Node Info

Version: 2.1.4
Updated 11 months, 1 week ago
License: MIT
Rating: not yet rated





46 in the last week


  • node-red
  • sunset
  • sunrise
  • schedule
