node-red-contrib-camerapi 0.0.39

Node Red Node for getting photos on a Raspberry Pi with a camera module enabled

npm install node-red-contrib-camerapi


A Node-RED node to take photos on a Raspberry Pi. This node will only work on an Raspberry Pi with a Raspberry Pi Camera enabled.


Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install or home directory (usually ~/.node-red) and will also install needed libraries.

        npm install node-red-contrib-camerapi

Additionally you have to install on the Raspberry Pi

First you have to install a Raspberry Pi Camera physically and don't forget to enable the Camera in raspi-config. See Pi Camera setup. Also check if you have installed the picamera module for python.

        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get install python-picamera python3-picamera

If you are using the default path during the fileoption set - the path /home/pi/Pictures will be used.

Runtime information

This node is tested on RASPBIAN (buster), Nodejs V12.x LTS and NPM 6.x on Node-Red 1.0.6



This node is to take a photo in a given format directly from the Raspberry Pi Camera. Using the Filemode the image of the photo is stored into the file-system and msg.payload will give you the path and the filename including extension to the photo. In Buffermode the image will reside as a buffer in msg.payload. For the possible parameters see documentation under picamera parameter settings.

Node Info

Version: 0.0.39
Updated 5 years, 3 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: 3.0 4





50 in the last week


  • camerapi-takephoto


  • node-red
  • raspberry
  • pi
  • camera
  • camerapi
