node-red-contrib-battery 1.0.1

A Node Red node to get information about the battery

npm install node-red-contrib-battery

A Node Red node to get information about the battery


Run the following npm command in your Node-RED user directory (typically ~/.node-red):

npm install node-red-contrib-battery

Node Usage

Get information about the battery by injecting a random message into this node:


The msg.payload of the output message contains a lot of data about the battery:

  • hasbattery: indicates presence of battery.
  • cyclecount: numbers of recharges.
  • ischarging: indicates if battery is charging.
  • maxcapacity: max capacity of battery.
  • currentcapacity: current capacity of battery.
  • percent: charging level in percent.
  • timeremaining: minutes left (if discharging).
  • acconnected: AC connected.
  • type: battery type.
  • model: model.
  • manufacturer: manufacturer.
  • serial: battery serial.


This node can be run on a number of operating systems, but check this table to make sure the required information is accessible on your platform!

Most systems running Node-RED wil not contain a battery. For example on Raspberry Pi, the msg.payload.hasbattery field will contain false and all other fields will contain no data ...

Node Info

Version: 1.0.1
Updated 6 years, 3 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: not yet rated




18 in the last week


  • battery


  • node-red
  • battery
