node-red-contrib-astrodata 0.0.4
Nodes for calculation of sun and moon position, sunset, sunrise etc.
This package contains two node-red nodes to calculate astronomical data for a given position.
The implementation based on the algorithm of Thanks to Mr. Arnold Barmettler for permission to use these algorithms for these nodes.
- The nodes have no special reqirements and should work with node-red 0.12 and newer.
Node astrodata dayvalues
The node astrodata dayvalues calculates astonomical data for the current day. Set longitude and Latitude of the place in decimal form and height of the place in meters in the properties dialog.
The msg object also contains the attributs
- msg.sunAstronomicalTwilightMorning
- msg.sunNauticalTwilightMorning
- msg.sunCivilTwilightMorning
- msg.sunRise, msg.sunTransit
- msg.sunSet, msg.sunCivilTwilightEvening
- msg.sunNauticalTwilightEvening
- msg.sunAstronomicalTwilightEvening
- msg.sunSign, msg.moonRise
- msg.mondkulmination
- msg.moonSet
- msg.moonPhaseNumber
- msg.moonPhase
- msg.moonSign.
The msg object also contains the attributs
- msg.sunDistance in km
- msg.sunDistanceObserver in km
- msg.sunDeclination in Grad
- msg.sunAzimut in Grad
- msg.sunAltitude in Grad
- msg.sunDiameter
- msg.moonDistance in km
- msg.moonDistanceObserver in km
- msg.moonDeclination in Grad
- msg.moonAzimut in Grad
- msg.moonAltitude in Grad
- msg.moonDiameter and
- msg.MoonAge in Grad
for the current time.
All other attributes ob the input msg object will be passed to the output msg object.
Node astrodata sunposition
The node astrodata sunposition calculates sun position for the current time. Set longitude and Latitude of the place in decimal form and height of the place in meters in the properties dialog.
Set longitude and Latitude of the place in decimal form in the properties dialog. The moon phases and star signs support different languages (english, german and french). Set the target language in the properties dialog. Field offset or in msg.offset allows the calculation for different dates. An numeric value changes the date relative from now (Whole numbers for days).
The msg object also contains the attributs
- msg.sunDistance in km
- msg.sunDistanceObserver in km
- msg.sunDeclination in Grad
- msg.sunAzimut in Grad
- msg.sunAltitude in Grad
- msg.sunDiameter
- msg.moonDistance in km
- msg.moonDistanceObserver in km
- msg.moonDeclination in Grad
- msg.moonAzimut in Grad
- msg.moonAltitude in Grad
- msg.moonDiameter
- msg.MoonAge in Grad.
All other attributes ob the input msg object will be passed to the output msg object.