node-red-contrib-arrowhead 0.2.2

Node-red node for arrowhead framework.

npm install node-red-contrib-arrowhead

Node-RED Arrowhead framework nodes

A collection of nodes for Node-RED related to Arrowhead Framework.

1. Nodes and explaination

There are several nodes in this repository in order to connect with Arrowhead Framework:

1.1 Regular nodes

This are nodes that can be drag & dropped to flows.

1.1.1 AH Service Registration

This node is used to register a service (e.g. REST endpoint) to an Arrowhead Registry.

Arrowhead Service Registration Arrowhead Service Registration node configuration.
Arrowhead Service Registration node Arrowhead Service Registration node configuration.

1.1.2 AH Service Discoverer

This node asks Arrowhead Orchestrator for an Arrowhead Service.

Arrowhead Service Discoverer node Arrowhead Service Dicoverer node configuration.
Arrowhead Service Discoverer node Arrowhead Service Discoverer node configuration.

1.1.3 AH Token Validator

This node validates an Arrowhead Token. You must configure an Arrowhead Authorization Service. It will be used to download a public key on deploy. As an alternative, the public key can be directly added in the node configuration.

When an input message arrives, it will validate the token in msg.token or msg.req.headers.authorization.

Due to the use of crypto.createPublicKey, this node is not compatible with Node.js <= 10.

Arrowhead Token Validator node. Arrowhead Token Validator node configuration.
Arrowhead Token Validator node. Arrowhead Token Validator node configuration.

1.2 Configuration nodes

This are configuration nodes that can be reused.

1.2.1 AH Authentication Info.

Use to stablish authentication information for arrowhead systems. This will authenticate the provider/consumer systems.

Arrowhead Authentication Info. configuration node.
Arrowhead Authentication Info. configuration node.

1.2.2 AH Core Service

Used to stablish where Arrowhead Core Systems can be found (e.g. Authorization, Orchestrator, Registry...).

Arrowhead Core Service configuration node.
Arrowhead Core Service configuration node.

1.2.3 AH System

Used to register Arrowhead systems (e.g. register NodeRed instance as a consumer).

Arrowhead System configuration node.
Arrowhead System configuration node.

2. Under development

The nodes are under development at this moment. Many functionalities may be developed for specific use-cases and not fully compatible for all scenarios yet.


Developed at Mondragon Unibertsitatea during the participation of the European project Arrowhead Tools.

Main developers:

Node Info

Version: 0.2.2
Updated 2 years, 9 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: not yet rated





6 in the last week


  • ah system
  • ah core service
  • ah authinfo
  • ah service registration
  • ah service discoverer
  • ah token validator


  • arrowhead
  • node-red
