node-red-contrib-arp 0.0.2
This node provides the content of the ARP table
This node provides the content of the ARP table.
It returns the mapping of the network address (IP address) to a physical address (MAC address) of the devices which are connected to the same LAN.
From your node-red directory:
npm install node-red-contrib-arp
in the Node-red, Manage palette, Install node-red-contrib-arp
This node provides the content of the ARP table.
The output msg.payload is an array of objects containing :
- ip : the IP address of the device.
- mac : the MAC address of the device.
- iface : the network interface of the device.
It is possible to filter the results by MAC address :
- in the node configuration, by providing MAC address (separated by commas if multiple).
- in the input msg.payload.macs message string, by providing MAC address (separated by commas if multiple).
MIT License