node-red-contrib-amqp 1.0.2
Node-RED AMQP input and output nodes
Node-RED AMQP input and output nodes
is a Node-RED package that connects directly to an AMQP server (e.g. RabbitMQ). It contains an input, an output and a configuration node to connect to AMQP exchanges or queues for Node-RED.
It uses the amqp-ts library for the AMQP connectivity.
Table of Contents
If you have installed Node-RED as a global node.js package (you use the command node-red
anywhere to start it), you need to install
node-red-contrib-amqp as a global package as well:
$[sudo] npm install -g node-red-contrib-amqp
If you have installed the .zip or cloned your own copy of Node-RED from github, you can install it as a normal npm package inside the Node-RED project directory:
<path/to/node-red>$ npm install node-red-contrib-amqp
The package contains the following Node-RED nodes:
input: amqp
Subscribes to an AMQP exchange or queue and reads messages from it. It outputs an object called
containing the following fields:
is a string or an object containing the content of the AMQP message.msg.topic
is a string containing the routing-key of the AMQP message.msg.amqpMessage
is an amqp-ts Message object containing the received message.sendto
If a topic is defined in the input node definition, that will be sent as msg.topic
instead of the routing key.
In the settings you can only define the exchange type or queue and it's name. If you need to use an exchange or a queue with specific settings you can define the exchange or queue in the topology tab of the AMQP server configuration node. The input node will use the exchange or queue defined in the topology.
output: amqp
Delivers incoming the message payload to the specified exchange or queue. It expects an object called
containing the following fields:
: string or an object containing the content of the AMQP message to be sent.msg.topic
: string containing the routing-key of the AMQP message to be sent.msg.options
: object containing specific AMQP properties for the message to be sent, see the amqplib publish documentation for more information.
If a topic is defined in the output node definition, that will be sent as routing-key instead of the msg.topic
. If the msg.payload
field does not exist, the whole msg object will be sent.
In the settings you can only define the exchange type or queue and it's name. If you need to use an exchange or a queue with specific settings you can define the exchange or queue in the topology tab of the AMQP server configuration node. The output node will use the exchange or queue defined in the topology.
configuration: amqp-server
Defines the connection to the AMQP server. You can also define in more detail the exchanges and queues that are used in the input and output nodes and even define bindings between exchanges and queues in the topology tab.
topology tab
In the topology tab you can define the AMQP server exchange and queue topology (exchanges, queues and bindings). You define the topology in the JSON editor.
Topology configuration example:
"exchanges": [
{"name": "exchange1", "type": "direct", "options": {"durable": false}},
{"name": "exchange2"}
"queues": [
{"name": "queue1", "options": {"messageTtl": 60000}},
{"name": "queue2"}
"bindings": [
{"source": "exchange1", "queue": "queue1", "pattern": "debug", "args": {}},
{"source": "exchange1", "exchange": "exchange2", "pattern": "error"},
{"source": "exchange2", "queue": "queue2"}
Known issues
- Entering invalid credentials (username/password) in the AMQP configuration node can cause node-red to malfunction
- Package library 'amqlib' is outdated, requiring breaking changes
- Build libraries 'typescript' and 'gulp-typescript' are outdated, requiring breaking changes
What's new
version 1.0.1
- bugfix, introduced by v1.0.0: Connections would not establish on startup, but would after a deploy.
version 1.0.0
Use Credentials/Credentials fields descriptions changed to 'Use Local CA File' and 'CA File Location' with accompanying functional change:
The 'CA File Location' field no longer specifies an explicit certificate, but a local disk location to load
This is important as many certs have binary data in them, which is incompatible with a copy/paste in NodeRed GUI.
When a custom CA file location is not specified, an attempt is made to load the default system CA certificate
Currently default supports ubuntu and alpine.
Other distros should contribute their locations to this project as desired, but could still manually enter the location to be able to enjoy the functionality. If you were previously using non-system-default cert text in an AMQP node, this update would be a breaking change.
Some small GUI quality of life improvement to disable/enable TLS related fields when TLS enabled checkbox is exercised
bugfix, 'Enable secure connection' + 'Use Local CA File' checkbox drives whether to use the 'CA File Location' field;
before it would use the field even when the checkbox was unchecked
Library dependencies upgraded to address all non-low vulnerabilities. Remaining low vulnerability will require upgrading typescript and gulp-typescript, along with breaking updates.
version 0.4.5
- Unknown, just documenting this version existed. It is available in NPM, but not documented here
version 0.4.4
- bugfix, topology editor not visible in amqp-server config node
version 0.4.3
- bugfix, fixed routingkey not working in configuration/definition (thanks to exogenesick)
version 0.4.0
- major refactor, made preparations for better testable code:
- javascript source code has been translated to typescript
- gulp build system added
version 0.3.0
- connection to AMQP server now only established when amqp input and/or AMQP output nodes exist
- major refactor and code cleanup
- fixed errors in readme
version 0.2.0
- fixed user credentials not working
- improved readme
version 0.1.0
- initial release
- Resume active maintenance of the project into 2019!
- I would like to see version 1.1.0 aim to accomplish:
- All dependencies upgraded to current
- Test suite in place