node-red-contrib-alexa-smart-home 0.4.68

Integrate Alexa and Google Assistant / Google Home in your Node-RED flows.

npm install node-red-contrib-alexa-smart-home


  • A wide variety of supported device types and capabilities/ traits (details below)
  • Real-time state reporting in the Alexa and Google Home apps.
  • Alexa and Google Home support, you can choose to use either, or both (note Google Home integration is currently awaiting certification but you can request access)

To enable Google Home/ Google Assistant functionality follow the instructions here.

Getting Started

Using the (free to use) hosted instance you can be up and running in just a few minutes:

  1. Setup an account here.
  2. Once logged in, create your devices here.
  3. Install and configure these nodes to your Node-RED instance.
  4. Build relevant flows, see examples here.

Alternatively, you can deploy your own instance of this service, follow these instructions.

Supported Devices/ Capabilities

Alexa Interface Google Trait Supported Controls Example Usage Useful Links
Brightness Control Brightness 0-100%, increase, reduce, dim MQTT Out Any MQTT-enabled bulb/ smart light
Channel Control Experimental (number only) Any number or name, i.e. 101, BBC 1, Channel 4 HTTP Out Any HTTP-enabled endpoint
Contact Sensor ContactSensor No commands Note you can also use this interface as a trigger. N/A "Alexa, is the Kitchen window open?"
Color Control ColorSetting Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow etc. MQTT Out Any MQTT-enabled bulb/ smart light
Color Temperature Control ColorTemperature Increase, Decrease, Warm, Warm White, Incandescent, Soft White, White, Daylight, Daylight White, Cool, Cool White*** MQTT Out Any MQTT-enabled bulb/ smart light
Input Control Not Supported HDMI1, HDMI2, HDMI3, HDMI4, phono, audio1, audio2 and "chromecast" Yamaha Music Cast Amplifier node-red-contrib-avr-yamaha
Lock Control Experimental Lock, Unlock MQTT Out Any MQTT connected Lock
Motion Sensor MotionSensor No commands You can use this interface as a trigger with Alexa N/A
Playback Control Experimental Play, Pause, Stop, FastForward, Rewind, StartOver, Next, Previous Kodi RPC Http Response Node with Kodi RPC Commands
Percentage Controller Not Supported 0-100%, increase %, decrease % HTTP Out, MQTT Out Fans, AC Unit
Power Control OnOff On, Off MQTT Out Any MQTT-enabled switch, Socket etc
Scene Control Scene Turn On Multiple String together a number of nodes for your scene, i.e. lighting, TV on, ACR on
Speaker Experimental +/- volume, set to specific number, mute Yamaha Music Cast Amplifier node-red-contrib-avr-yamaha
Speaker (Step) Not Supported (use Speaker) +/- volume, mute Yamaha Music Cast Amplifier node-red-contrib-avr-yamaha
Temperature Sensor Not Supported No commands N/A View/ query temperature in any room by voice or Alexa App
Thermostats Control (Single set-point only) TemperatureSetting Set specific temp**, increase/ decrease MQTT Out Any MQTT connected thermostat/HVAC

Further Information

Please see Wiki for additional information.

Node Info

Version: 0.4.68
Updated 3 years, 5 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: 4.2 6





173 in the last week


  • alexa-smart-home-v3-conf
  • alexa-smart-home-v3
  • alexa-smart-home-v3-state
  • alexa-smart-home-v3-resp


  • node-red
  • alexa
  • echo
  • skill
  • google-home
  • google
  • google-assistant
