@zoho_iot/node-red-zoho-iot 1.0.6

The Zoho IOT Plugin for Node-RED allows seamless integration with Zoho IOT devices, handling TLS certificates, security tokens, and device configurations to connect and communicate with your IoT devices on the Zoho IOT platform.


License: Apache-2.0
Bugs URL supplied
Package name follows guidelines
Node-RED keyword set
Supported Node-RED Version: 2.2.3,3.1.14,4.0.5
Node.js Version: >=12.0.0
Package uses a unique name


Nodes have unique names
Nodes have examples
Zoho IOT Publish, Zoho IOT Command, Zoho IOT Command ACK,


Number of Dependencies: 2
Check for Incompatible packages
Dependencies use latest versions