@yousolution/node-red-contrib-you-shopify 0.2.0

Unofficial Shopify API module for NODE-RED

npm install @yousolution/node-red-contrib-you-shopify

Unofficial Shopify API nodes for Node-RED.


This module provides a set of nodes for Node-RED to quickly create integration flows with Shopify API.



You can install the nodes using node-red's "Manage palette" in the side bar.

Or run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED installation

npm install @yousolution/node-red-contrib-you-shopify --save


The nodes are tested with Node.js v12.22.6 and Node-RED v2.0.6.


Changes can be followed here.




Use this node to authenticate with a valid Shopify API access
The node requires the following credentials:

  • shop name
  • api key
  • password

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official Shopify API documentation

Retrieve a list of objects

Use this node to retrieve a list of objects

  1. Select the type of object you want to retrieve as a list
  2. If you want to add filter/options use params

An example for retrieve from customer only id and email fields:

{fields: ['id','email']}

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official Shopify API documentation

Get single object

Use this node to get a single object by providing the primary key

  1. Select the type of object you want to retrieve
  2. Use objectId as primary key of object
  3. Use params to filter the response fields.

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official Shopify API documentation

Create a new object

Use this node to create a new object.

  1. Select the type of object you want to create
  2. Use msg.foreignKeys to provide foreign keys (optional)
  3. Use msg.createParams to provide object params

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official Shopify API documentation

Update an object

Use this node to update an object.

  1. Select the type of object you want to update
  2. Use objectId as primary key of object
  3. Use msg.updateParams to provide object params

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official Shopify API documentation

Delete an Object

Use this node to delete an object.

  1. Select the type of object you want to delete
  2. Use objectId as primary key of object

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official Shopify API documentation

Count the number of objects per type

Use this node to count the number of objects per type.

  1. Select the type of object you want to count

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official Shopify API documentation

Node Info

Version: 0.2.0
Updated 2 weeks ago
License: MIT
Rating: not yet rated





2 in the last week


  • authenticateConfig
  • authenticate
  • list
  • get
  • create
  • delete
  • update
  • count


  • node-red
  • shopify
  • shopify API
  • API
  • ecommerce
  • youSolution.Cloud