@yousolution/node-red-contrib-you-nth-layerone 0.0.10

NodeRed library node for connection to LayerOne

npm install @yousolution/node-red-contrib-you-nth-layerone

LayerOne NodeRed Library

Official Library By YouSolution.Cloud

What is LayerOne?

LayerOne it's a service for comunicaton via Web API on format JSON to SAP DIServer and SAP ServiceLayer,

Created by InnoTech Srl -Build Partner SAP



You can install the nodes using node-red's "Manage palette" in the side bar.

Or run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED installation

npm install @yousolution/node-red-contrib-you-nth-layerone --save


The nodes are tested with Node.js v16.18.6 and Node-RED v3.0.2.


Changes can be followed here.



Authenticate (node authenticateSap)

Use this node to authenticate with a valid SAP service layer API access
The node requires the following credentials:

  • host
  • port
  • protocol
  • company
  • user
  • password

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation

Retrieve a list of entities (node listSap)

Use this node to retrieve a list of entities

  1. Select the type of entity you want to retrieve as a list
  2. If you want to add filter/options use oData params optional
    Query options on entities:
option description
$filter Restrict the set of business objects returned.
$orderby Specify the order in which business objects are returned from the service.
$select Restrict the service to return only the properties requested by the client.
$skip Specify that the result excludes the first n entities.
$top Specify that only the first n records should be returned.

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation

Get single entity (node getSap)

Use this node to get a single entity by providing the primary key

  1. Select the type of entity you want to retrieve
  2. Use objectId as primary key of entity
  3. Use oData to filter the response fields optional\

Query options on single entity:

option description
$select Restrict the service to return only the properties requested by the client.

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation

Create a new entity (node createSap)

Use this node to create a new entity.

  1. Select the type of entity you want to create
  2. Use msg.bodyPost to provide the entity's fields
  3. Use msg.createParams to provide object params

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation

Update an object

Use this node to update an object.

  1. Select the type of object you want to update
  2. Use objectId as primary key of object
  3. Use msg.updateParams to provide object params

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation

Delete an Object

Use this node to delete an object.

  1. Select the type of object you want to delete
  2. Use objectId as primary key of object

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation

Count the number of objects per type

Use this node to count the number of objects per type.

  1. Select the type of object you want to count

You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation

Node Info

Version: 0.0.10
Updated 4 months ago
License: MPL-2.0
Rating: 5.0 2





6 in the last week


  • authenticate
  • logout
  • query
  • company
  • companyInfo
  • companyAdminInfo
  • document
  • getObject
  • businessPartner
  • item
  • pick
  • stockTransfer
  • authenticateLayerOneSL
  • listLayerOneSL
  • createLayerOneSl
  • deleteLayerOneSl
  • getLayerOneSL
  • patchLayerOneSL
  • closeLayerOneSl
  • crossJoinLayerOneSL
  • nextLinkLayerOneSL
  • serviceLayerOneSL
  • manipulateEntityLayerOneSL
  • createLayerOneSlSQLQuery
  • SQLQueryLayerOneSL


  • node-red
  • LayerOne
  • NTH
  • service layer
  • API
  • ERP
  • integration
  • youSolution.Cloud