@yousolution/node-red-contrib-you-nth-layerone 0.0.10
NodeRed library node for connection to LayerOne
LayerOne NodeRed Library
Official Library By YouSolution.Cloud
What is LayerOne?
LayerOne it's a service for comunicaton via Web API on format JSON to SAP DIServer and SAP ServiceLayer,
Created by InnoTech Srl -Build Partner SAP
You can install the nodes using node-red's "Manage palette" in the side bar.
Or run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED installation
npm install @yousolution/node-red-contrib-you-nth-layerone --save
The nodes are tested with Node.js v16.18.6
and Node-RED v3.0.2
Changes can be followed here.
Authenticate (node authenticateSap)
Use this node to authenticate with a valid SAP service layer API access
The node requires the following credentials:
- host
- port
- protocol
- company
- user
- password
You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation
Retrieve a list of entities (node listSap)
Use this node to retrieve a list of entities
- Select the type of entity you want to retrieve as a list
- If you want to add filter/options use oData params optional
Query options on entities:
option | description |
$filter | Restrict the set of business objects returned. |
$orderby | Specify the order in which business objects are returned from the service. |
$select | Restrict the service to return only the properties requested by the client. |
$skip | Specify that the result excludes the first n entities. |
$top | Specify that only the first n records should be returned. |
You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation
Get single entity (node getSap)
Use this node to get a single entity by providing the primary key
- Select the type of entity you want to retrieve
- Use objectId as primary key of entity
- Use oData to filter the response fields optional\
Query options on single entity:
option | description |
$select | Restrict the service to return only the properties requested by the client. |
You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation
Create a new entity (node createSap)
Use this node to create a new entity.
- Select the type of entity you want to create
- Use msg.bodyPost to provide the entity's fields
- Use msg.createParams to provide object params
You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation
Update an object
Use this node to update an object.
- Select the type of object you want to update
- Use objectId as primary key of object
- Use msg.updateParams to provide object params
You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation
Delete an Object
Use this node to delete an object.
- Select the type of object you want to delete
- Use objectId as primary key of object
You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation
Count the number of objects per type
Use this node to count the number of objects per type.
- Select the type of object you want to count
You can see how to use it in the example flows in the /examples directory.
For more details see official SAP Service layer documentation