@tulip/node-red-tulip-api 0.3.1

Node-RED nodes for sending data to the Tulip API

npm install @tulip/node-red-tulip-api

Node-RED Tulip API Nodes

This package includes several Node-RED nodes to support sending data to the Tulip API. The included nodes are:

  • tulip-machine-attribute: sends data to Tulip machine attribute endpoints
  • tulip-tables: sends data and reads data from Tulip tables
  • tulip-api-auth: a configuration node that authenticates Tulip API requests using Tulip API token credentials

Note: To use the Tulip API, you must be a registered Tulip user with a factory instance. In this README, we will use the Tulip account url your-factory-instance.tulip.co to refer to your account.


You can install this node either through npm or the Node-RED palette.

To install with npm:

Navigate to your Node-RED user directory, for example ~/.node-red/, and run the following command:

npm install @tulip/node-red-tulip-api

To install via the Node-RED palette:

Open the Node-RED Editor, navigate to the menu (upper right-hand corner), click Manage palette > Install, and search for node-red-tulip-api. Click install.

If there is an issue with installation, please create an issue with details.

Tulip Machine Attribute Node


Before using a tulip-machine-attribute node, make sure that you have completed the following steps:

  1. Have machine monitoring enabled on your factory instance. This is required to use the Machine Attributes API.

  2. Follow the steps in this support article to:

  • Configure an API token with attributes:write permissions
  • Create a machine that uses the Tulip API as a datasource
  • Define machine attributes for the machine

Node Configuration

  • Name: Display name for the node instance in the editor
  • Tulip Api Authentication: A configuration node with authentication details for an API token on your Tulip account. The API token must have attributes:write permissions. See more details in the Tulip API Auth Node section.
  • Attribute Config: Select whether to write to a single attribute, or if unchecked, then you can instead performed batched writes by setting msg.payload to a list of attributes, each in the format { attributeId, machineId, value }.
  • Device Info: Defines which machine attribute endpoint this node will send data to. You can copy-paste this field from the target machine attribute on your factory instance by following these steps:
    • Navigate to your-factory-instance.tulip.co
    • Click on Shop Floor > Machines
    • Click on the target machine
    • Copy-paste the JSON field with attributeId and machineId properties for the target machine attribute
  • HTTP Options:
    • Enable Connection Keep-Alive: Whether to set keepAlive=true for the http agent. Note that this sets the keep-alive behaviour of the HTTP agent, which is different than setting the 'Connection': 'Keep-Alive' HTTP header.
    • Keep-Alive Initial Delay (ms): Sets the keepAliveMsecs of the http agent. Only relevant is keep-alive is enabled.
  • Output: Whether to retain all properties of the input message in the output message or clear them. If retaining input properties, input message properties that conflict with a property set by this node (ex: msg.response) then the input message property will be overwritten.
  • Attribute Source: What source to use for the attribute value. For example, if set to msg.payload, the attribute will be sent the value of msg.payload; if set to a hardcoded string, the attribute will be sent the hardcoded string, etc. Supported sources are:
    • properties of msg, flows, or global
    • strings
    • numbers
    • JSONata expressions
    • environment variables


  • msg.payload: The value of the attribute to send. Should match the type of the machine attribute endpoint. A different input property than payload can be set as the attribute value by setting the Attribute Source property.
  • msg.machineId (optional): Value to override the machineId set in "Device Info".
  • msg.attributeId (optional): Value to override the attrbiuteId set in "Device Info"
  • msg.headers (optional): Extra headers for the HTTP API requests. Do not set Content-Type; it will always be overridden to Content-Type: application/json


  • msg.response: The HTTP response from the API request.
  • msg.payload: The parsed response body.

Tulip Tables Node


The Tulip Tables API node supports sending data to and reading data from Tulip Tables, as well as reading Tulip Table metadata, using the Tulip Tables API.

Each tulip-tables node is configured to send data to a single Tulip Tables API endpoint. On an input message, the node will send the configured request and output the HTTP response along with any returned data. The Query Type field determines the type of request, relevant parameters, and the response data type. See the Tulip Tables API documentation at your-factory-instance.tulip.co/apiDocs for more information on the different types of requests.

Node Configuration

  • Name: Display name for the node instance in the editor
  • Tulip Api Authentication: A configuration node with authentication details for an API token on your Tulip account. The API token must have tables:read and tables:write permissions for read and write operations respectively. See more details in the Tulip API Auth Node section.
  • HTTP Options:
    • Enable Connection Keep-Alive: Whether to set keepAlive=true for the http agent. Note that this sets the keep-alive behaviour of the HTTP agent, which is different than setting the 'Connection': 'Keep-Alive' HTTP header.
    • Keep-Alive Initial Delay (ms): Sets the keepAliveMsecs of the http agent. Only relevant is keep-alive is enabled.
  • Output: Whether to retain all properties of the input message in the output message or clear them. If retaining input properties, input message properties that conflict with a property set by this node (ex: msg.response) then the input message property will be overwritten.
  • Query Type: This field determines which endpoint to send the request to. All other configuration is dependent on the query type. For example, using the endpoint "Count records", the following configuration values will appear (from the API docs):
    • Table ID: The id of a Tulip Table.
    • Filters: An optional array of filter expressions to filter the Table records by. Each filter is an object specifying the field (name of a table column), functionType (comparison function), and arg (the value to compare to).
    • Filter Aggregator: How the filters in the filter parameter are combined. all means that every filter must match a record in order for the record to be included. any means at least one filter must match a record in order for the record to be included.


  • msg.body: If the query type is a POST or PUT request, the body of the request. Overrides any data in the "Request Body" field.
  • msg.[parameter]: Any parameter of a Tulip Tables API request can be set by the input msg.[parameter]. The message value overrides the parameter value set by the node configuration. For example, msg.tableId will override "Table ID". The parameter name must match the parameter name listed in the API documentation.
  • msg.headers (optional): Extra headers for the HTTP API requests. Do not set Content-Type; it will always be overridden to Content-Type: application/json


  • msg.response: The HTTP response from the API request.
  • msg.payload: The parsed response body.

Tulip API Auth Node


Each tulip-api-auth node configures authentication for using the Tulip API. The API credentials should be for a key on the specified factory instance that has the correct permissions to make the specified API calls.

Requests will be sent to: ${protocol}://{factory-url}:{port}/{endpoint}

Each authentication node can be shared between multiple Tulip API nodes.

Node Configuration

  • Name: Display name for the node instance in the editor.
  • Protocol: Which protocol to use for API calls (http or https). Defaults to https.
  • Factory URL: For example, your-factory-instance.tulip.co
  • Port (optional): Custom port to use for API calls. Defaults to 80 for http and 443 for https.
  • API Key: The API key for the API token. Should start with apikey.2_.
  • API Secret: The API secret for the API token.

Node Info

Version: 0.3.1
Updated 1 year, 2 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: 5.0 1





7 in the last week


  • tulip-machine-attribute
  • tulip-tables
  • tulip-api-auth


  • edge
  • node-red
  • machine
  • machine monitoring
  • tables
  • api
  • tulip
