@trizwo/node-red-contrib-voipio-socket 1.1.6

A set of Node-RED nodes that integrates websocket connections of a innovaphone pbx with myApps into Node-RED

npm install @trizwo/node-red-contrib-voipio-socket


A set of Node-RED nodes that integrates websocket connections of a innovaphone pbx with myApps into Node-RED.

You can use most of the API provided by Pbx App objects to trigger actions in Node-RED. Or trigger actions in the Pbx based on events in Node-RED.

For example, retrieve call information using RCC API or replicate user objects from the Pbx to Node-RED using the TableUsers API.

Create a custom REST API to modify objects in the Pbx or forward events from the Pbx to an existing REST interface.

Build a decentralized Busy Light solution in conjunction with a Phillips hue Bridge or an existing home automation solution.

Use the MQTT protocol to toggle switches and relays with boolean objects. Or measured values from temperature or humidity sensors for actions in the Pbx. Or forward events from the Pbx to the MQTT world.


Ideally, install it with the package manager inside Node-RED. Search the palette with the keywords voipio, trizwo or innovaphone.

Alternatively, install from npm

npm install @trizwo/node-red-contrib-voipio-socket

Successfully tested with

  • Pbx Version 13r2 sr11
  • Pbx Version 13r3 beta1

Supported API

  • PbxSignal
  • EpSignal
  • Messages
  • TableUsers
  • Admin
  • PbxApi
  • (Services, authentication at the provided apps currently not implemented in the node)
  • RCC
  • Impersonation


There are several bundled examples on how which api can be used.

  • How to toggle boolean objects in the pbx from Node-RED.
  • Push messages received when a boolean has been toggled based on time, function key or app in the pbx.
  • how to receive details about calls in Node-RED using the RCC API.
  • Pbx objects can be replicated using the TableUsers API

You can find these examples in the hamburger menu in the upper right corner via the import function.


You need access to the pbx to be able to set up app one or more app objects. An app platform is not required.

The package installs several nodes in your node palette:


To get started you need a AppService node first.


In its settings you assign a websocket path and the password that the app objects needs to log in to your AppService.

Then go to the Pbx and create a App Object with the Url and password entered above:



Please note that this example uses unencrypted http connections. In production, you will probably use https instead.

Which of the APIs need to be enabled depends on your usecase. For demo purposes, we enable all of the them.

If everything went well, the Pbx App object should now be connected to the Node-RED AppService and we see an active connection on the AppService node.


Example: Boolean State via PbxApi

This example is shipped with the nodes in Node-RED and can be imported as a ready-to-use flow via the top right menu Import / Examples / Boolean Example.

Example PbxApi Boolean

1. the connection to and from the Pbx Object

We use an AppService node as described above so that a Pbx object establishes a connection to Node-RED. When a pbx connects, the AppService node handles the authentication. If the authentication is successful, a message is sent on the output of the AppService.

2. when a pbx object is connected, subscribe for the presence of 'businesshours'

We use a filter node, that only passes messages with the OnPbxConnect topic.

Filter OnPbxConnect

This message is then used as event to send back a SubscribePresence to the pbx on this connection.

Message SubcribePresence

With this type of messages we register the node for Presence Updates of a Pbx object with the businesshours. When an object's Presence changes, a event sent from the pbx to Node-RED and the AppService node send it then to the flow.

The PresenceUpdate messages from the Pbx will contain the value from the 'src=businesshours' parameter. We will use this later to map incoming updates to a subcription.

3. when a message with a PresenceUpdate comes in

When a PresenceUpdate message is received from the Pbx, this message comes out of the AppService node.

We then use a filter node again to allow only these types of messages with the subject through.

Filter PbxApi

The PresenceUpdate messages contain the current status of the Pbx object for which the subscription has been set up. The presence updates of Boolean objects will contain a note depending on the state.

If the Boolean is true, the message contains a Presence with the note parameter set to '#badge:✓'. If the Boolean is false, the parameter note is missing on the message. This can then be translated to a Javascript true/false with a function node.

translate Boolean Presence

On the output of this function node we will now receive messages with msg.payload = true or false.

Status of Boolean

And with the message we can switch anything in Node-RED as we like.

Switch anything

  • switch a Hue light on or off
  • switch only the color of a hue light from red to green or back.
  • send the boolean state to a backend REST Api via HTTP GET/POST
  • toggle a switch in the Node-RED Dashboard
  • send the boolean state to a MQTT Broker



This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


If you need advice or help with configuring or would like to have new features built in, there is the possibility of commercial support for a fee.

In this case please contact trizwo GmbH IT & Communication, Glinde, Germany. Information on how to contact us can be found on our website trizwo.de.


Node Info

Version: 1.1.6
Updated 2 years, 10 months ago
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
Rating: not yet rated





4 in the last week


  • voipio-socket
  • voipio-socket-to
  • voipio-socket-filter


  • innovaphone
  • pbx
  • trizwo
  • voipio
  • websocket
  • node-red
