@thomptronics/node-red-contrib-alexa-notify-me 1.0.0

A Node-RED node to send Alexa Notifications via the Notify Me skill by Thomptronics

npm install @thomptronics/node-red-contrib-alexa-notify-me

A Node-RED node to send Alexa Notifications via the Notify Me skill by Thomptronics. To learn more about Notify Me, please visit www.notifymyecho.com

IMPORTANT NOTE: Notify Me is only available in the countries that allow English-speaking Alexa skills.


Run the following npm command in your Node-RED user directory (typically ~/.node-red):

npm install @thomptronics/node-red-contrib-alexa-notify-me

Node Configuration

Access Code

Put your Access Code in the node's Properties tab. The Access Code is required for communications with Alexa.

See www.notifymyecho.com for detailed information how to get your own unique access code.


The Notification string you want to send can be put in the node's Properties tab or passed in via msg.payload. A notification found in the node's Properties tab will override one passed in msg.payload, so be sure to empty the Properties' Notification field if you want to pass your notification via the payload.

You must specify a notification string in either the Properties tab or in msg.payload since there would be no point in sending an empty notification.


The Title string appears on Echo Show screens when the notification arrives. A title passed in msg.topic will override any title found in the node's Properties tab.

A title is optional and, if not specified by either msg.topic or the Properties tab, defaults to "Notification from Yourself."

Node Usage

The following flow is a simple example of how to use this node:

[{"id":"66f244c7099a0e6d","type":"tab","label":"Alexa Notify Me","disabled":false,"info":"","env":[]},{"id":"d6a18213066005c6","type":"notify-me","z":"66f244c7099a0e6d","name":"","title":"Greetings from Node-RED","notification":"","x":300,"y":160,"wires":[["6b53158ace42fb38"]]},{"id":"df7c875d569b70e7","type":"inject","z":"66f244c7099a0e6d","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"Hello World","payloadType":"str","x":130,"y":160,"wires":[["d6a18213066005c6"]]},{"id":"6b53158ace42fb38","type":"debug","z":"66f244c7099a0e6d","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":450,"y":160,"wires":[]},{"id":"4e8a327792b14c89","type":"comment","z":"66f244c7099a0e6d","name":"Press the 'Hello World' inject button below to send a notification to your Alexa devices...","info":"","x":340,"y":100,"wires":[]},{"id":"a0bc665065b873b1","type":"comment","z":"66f244c7099a0e6d","name":"Prerequisites (double click on this to view)","info":" Before you can use this node, you must:\n - Enable the Notify Me skill by Thomptronics\n - Launch the skill to trigger your access code email\n - Enter your Access Code in the node's Properties tab\n \nPlease visit www.notifymyecho.com for details\n ","x":200,"y":40,"wires":[]}]

Node Info

Version: 1.0.0
Updated 2 years, 3 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: 5.0 1




5 in the last week


  • notify-me


  • node-red
  • alexa
  • echo
  • notification
  • notify
  • alert
  • www.notifymyecho.com
