@tataille/node-red-french-holidays 1.2.3

A simple node-red component for working with French holidays.

npm install @tataille/node-red-french-holidays

Node.js CI Maintenance License Issues NPM

A Node-RED node to retrieve French School Academy and public holidays depending on School Academy and geo location..

Requires a network connection to retrieve data dynamically from the following official APIs:

'Retrieve French Holidays'


Using the Node Red palette manager.

Alternatively, run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically ~/.node-red

npm install @tataille/[email protected]


Use the node-red palette manager to update the module.



Retrieves French School Holiday and Public Holiday based on School Academy, geo location and output them to the next node.

[{"id":"f6f2187d.f17ca8","type":"tab","label":"Exemple Académie Rennes & Fériés Métropole","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"69a824ffaab0680b","type":"french-holidays","z":"f6f2187d.f17ca8","name":"Vacances","academy":"Rennes","geo":"Métropole","x":340,"y":240,"wires":[["821c23230cbef1e6"]]},{"id":"821c23230cbef1e6","type":"debug","z":"f6f2187d.f17ca8","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload","targetType":"msg","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":550,"y":240,"wires":[]},{"id":"d2702ce52d9c5d50","type":"inject","z":"f6f2187d.f17ca8","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"test","payloadType":"str","x":130,"y":240,"wires":[["69a824ffaab0680b"]]}]

Data are returned in msg.payload

Example of result when querying api on January 2 2024 for Academy of Clermont-Ferrand (Metropole)

  "day": 5,
  "isPublicHoliday": false,
  "isTomorrowPublicHoliday": false,
  "publicHolidayName": null,
  "nextPublicHolidayName": "Lundi de Pâques",
  "nextPublicHolidayDate": "01/04/2024",
  "isSchoolHolidays": true,
  "schoolHolidaysEndDate": "03/03/2024"
  "isTomorrowSchoolHolidays": true,
  "schoolHolidaysName": "Vacances d'Hiver",
  "nextSchoolHolidaysCoutdownInDays": 49,
  "nextSchoolHolidaysName": "Vacances de Printemps",
  "nextSchoolHolidaysStartDate": "12/04/2024",
  "nextSchoolHolidaysEndDate": "28/04/2024",
  "schoolPeriod": "2023-2024",
  "year": 2024,
  "region": "Métropole",
  "academy": "Clermont-Ferrand",
  "zones": "Zone A",
  "version": "1.2.0"


Retrieving data on a daily base

Full workflow


Error handling

Due to the fact the plugin interact with external APIs provided by French government, external errors (missing records, connection errors..) are thrown to the node-red core. To handle the exceptions and program a new query, a catch block must be added to the node-red flow. Error details can be found in the exception message payload.

Development Environment setup

Here are the steps to successfully setup your development environment to contribute to this project

Setup using the VS Code dev container This will set up a docker container with all the required tools and dependencies to get started.

  • Go to the node-red-french-holidays repository and fork it.

  • Clone your forked repository to your local machine.

  • Open the project in VS Code.

  • Install the Remote - Containers extension.

  • Click the green button in the lower-left corner of the window that says "Reopen in Container".

  • Wait for the container to build and start.

  • Open a terminal in VS Code and run "node-red" to start the node-red server.


To stop the node-red server, just enter "ctrl-c" in VS Code terminal where the node-red server run.

To install the module in debug mode, open a terminal in VS Code and run commands:

cd /root/.node-red
npm install /workspaces/node-red-french-holidays/

To start the tests

cd /workspaces/node-red-french-holidays
npm test

Node Info

Version: 1.2.3
Updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: 5.0 5




26 in the last week


  • french-holidays


  • node-red
  • french-holidays
  • holidays
  • france
  • specialdays
  • weekdays
