@shaoranlaos/node-red-contrib-ecoflow-http-api 1.0.1
A Node-Red plugin that usese the offical Ecoflow HTTP-API to get data for some supported ecoflow devices.
Ecoflow Node Red module
A Node Red module that allows to use the offical Ecoflow HTTP API to read data from various supported Ecoflow devices.
At the moment the following functions are supported:
- List devices
- Query all data of a device
- Query specifc datapoints of a device
- Generic set of data of a device
- Query for the user specific MQTT parameters
Supported device types
Because this module uses the standard HTTP API from Ecoflow it should support all devices that are also supported from the offical API.
But it is only tested with the following devices:
- Powerstream
- Delta Max
- Smart Plug
Node "Ecoflow API"
The node can be configured with the official credentials gotten from Ecoflow OpenIoT.
It has the following functions:
query the device list
This simply return a list of all devices that are registered with the used account and gives there product name, custom name, serial number and online status. It takes no inputs.
"deviceName":"Test Device",
"productName":"DELTA Max"
query all data of a device
The returns all data that can be queried for a specific device. It needs the serial number of the device as input.
This serial number is read from the node configuration or the incoming message in the following priority:
- node configuration (Serial Number field)
- msg.sn
- msg.payload
It returns the queried data as a json object in the message payload.
Example for data from a smart plug:
The details of the structure and content can be read under Ecoflow API Documentation.
query specific datapoints
This works similar to the previous function but will only query requested datapoint for a device. The datapoints must be inputed via an array in the payload of the incoming message.
Example datapoints definition: ["20_1.invOutputWatts","20_1.invDemandWatts"]
set a specific datapoint
This is a complicated endpoint because the needed JSON for the request various by a lot from device type to device type. Because of that the endpoint is very generic and almost expects the full json from the official API. Only the serial number must be excluded because this will be set from the serial number set in the node config or from the msg.sn field.
Example: If the SetCommand for a PowerStream Custom Output expects the following JSON according to the documentation
{"sn": "HW513000SF767194","cmdCode": "WN511_SET_PERMANENT_WATTS_PACK","params": {"permanentWatts": 20}}
the endpoint expects the following as a json payload on the message
{"cmdCode": "WN511_SET_PERMANENT_WATTS_PACK","params": {"permanentWatts": 20}}
query MQTT configuration parameter
This will query the HTTP-API for the needed configuration to use the offical MQTT-API.
Getting Access Key and Secret Key
The Credentials can be requested on the offical Ecoflow IoT Website: Ecoflow OpenIoT. It can take up to a week for the account to be enabled.
Known "Problems"
- The API returns the last known values for a device that is offline. Please use the device list function and check the online status of a device bevor using the values (see the example flow "ListDevicesAndQuerThem").
- The online status in the device list can take up to 15 minutes (in my observations) to reflect when a device is offline.
- The PowerOcean seems to have a bug where it only reports values in the API if one of the offical Apps for it are open. See #9 for the curent status on this.