@seveno/node-red-contrib-seveno 1.1.0

Gateway for communication with SEVEN|O instance. Receiving command updates and request command execution. BusJournal node allows to select history data from the bus journal.

npm install @seveno/node-red-contrib-seveno


SEVEN|O node is a gateway to connect a SEVEN|O instance to Node-RED. This gateway allows to subscribe command status updates provided by SEVEN|O. Additional it is possible to use this node to send a command execution request to the SEVEN|O instance which executes the command on the connected system.
Summarized, this means it is possible to control all IoT devices connected to SEVEN|O.
Some examples are KNX, DALI, MQTT, OpenWeather, Sonos, FroniusConverter, Gardena SmartHome, Luxtronik, Balboa Spa and many more.

Overview of SEVEN|O node usage as input and output


At first the following properties must be configured on the Gateway

Gateway configuration

WebSocked Endpoint

The communication between this SEVEN|O Node-RED node and the SEVEN|O instance is established by a WebSocket connection.
Here the WebSocket endpoint of the SEVEN|O Node-RED plugin must be defined.

Example: http://localhost:8080/ws

Topic Command Listing

This topic is used by SEVEN|O plugin to publish a list of all available commands.

Example: /nodered/command/listing

Topic Command Updates

This topic is used by SEVEN|O plugin to publish all command status updates.

Example: /nodered/command/update

Request Command Listing Endpoint

This endpoint can be used to send a request for command listing published by SEVEN|O. Command listing are usually published periodically. With this endpoint it is possible to trigger the publishing of command listing.

Example: /app/nodered/request/command/listing

Request Command Execution Endpoint

This endpoint can be used to send a command execution request from Node-RED to SEVEN|O.

Example: /app/nodered/request/command/execution

WebSocket connection

As soon as the gateway is configured it will estimate a connection.
In case of connection was successfully created, the node will be marked as Connected, else as Disconnected.

Command configuration / selection

As soon as the node is connected the drop down list is filled with all available commands.
As soon as a command is selected the Value type is filled with available types. If no special type is available, default is set. Value key defines different available types of the selected command.
For example if a light is selected, the value types SWITCH and DIMMER are available to select if the light should be turned on/off or if only the brightness should be changed.

Command configuration


The SEVEN|O node communicates using a WebSocket connection with the SEVEN|O instance. The Node-RED backend creates one WebSocket connection which is used by all SEVEN|O nodes.


MIT Licence Copyright (c) SEVEN|O - Tobias Lehmann ([email protected])


Tobias Lehmann ([email protected])

Node Info

Version: 1.1.0
Updated 3 years, 7 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: not yet rated




1 in the last week


  • SEVEN|O Gateway
  • SEVEN|O BusJournal


  • node-red
  • seveno
  • IoT
  • KNX
  • SmartHome
  • Smart Home
