@rakwireless/linbus 1.0.0

LinBUS module able to parse and create LinBUS-compatible frames to be forwarded using a serial connection, created for RAK13005 LIN transceiver module, which uses the TLE7259-3 chip from Infineon

npm install @rakwireless/linbus


A node-red-contrib-linbus module is able to parse and create LinBUS-compatible frames to be forwarded using a serial connection.

version downloads

Install from Node-RED

From within NodeRED, visit the top right menu, select Manage palette and then the Install tab. Look for @rakwireless/linbus and install it.

Manual installation (development)

Please follow the steps below to install the @rakwireless/linbus module.

first, you need download the source code of this module from our node-red-nodes repository

git clone https://github.com/RAKWireless/node-red-nodes.git

copy node-red-contrib-linbus folder to node_modules folder, node_modules folder is located in the root directory of your node-red install.

cp -rf node-red-nodes/node-red-contrib-linbus ~/.node-red/node_modules

then go to the node-red-contrib-linbus folder and run the installation command

cd ~/.node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-linbus && npm install

Note: You must restart node-red service then you can find linbus nodes on the left of editor window.


@rakwireless/linbus has two nodes, linbus-parse node and linbus-builder node. they need to be used in combination with a serial port node, you must install node-red-node-serialport module first

  • linbus-parse

linbus-parse node that will receive data from a serial node and output a message upon valid linbus message reception (including frame ID, length and raw data a a byte buffer). in this node you must config ID and Length options.



​ Specify the identifier of linbus frame that you want to parse. values in the range 0 to 63 can be used.


​ Specify the data length of linbus frame that you want to parse. data length should be 2 bytes or 4 bytes or 8 bytes

  • linbus-builder

linbus-builder node that will create a valid linbus frame from a frame ID and a byte buffer payload, the output will be fed to a serial node.

In this node you must config IDoption, which specify the identifier of linbus frame that you want to builder. values in the range 0 to 63 can be used.


the payload is generated with an inject node, one thing to note is that the payload type must be set to buffer in the inject node and data length should be 2 bytes or 4 bytes or 8 bytes.



rak13005-linbus - LinBUS communication using WisBlock LIN MODULE RAK13005 on RAK7391.


This project is licensed under MIT license.

Node Info

Version: 1.0.0
Updated 2 years, 11 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: not yet rated





1 in the last week


  • linbus-parse
  • linbus-builder


  • node-red
  • rakwireless
  • linbus
  • tle7259-3
