@rakwireless/adc121c021 1.0.0

A Node-RED node providing access to the ADC121C021 I2C analog to digital converter

npm install @rakwireless/adc121c021


The node-red-contrib-adc121c021 node allows users to read analog inputs from adc121c021 and then convert them to digital readings.

version downloads

Install from Node-RED

From within NodeRED, visit the top right menu, select Manage palette and then the Install tab. Look for @rakwireless/adc121c021 and install it.

Manual installation (development)

Please install @rakwireless/adc121c021 node with the following commands. If you use docker of Node-RED, you may need to replace ~/.node-red with /usr/src/node-red,

git clone https://git.rak-internal.net/product-rd/gateway/wis-developer/rak7391/node-red-nodes.git

then copy node-red-contrib-adc121c021 directory to the node_modules directory,

cp -rf node-red-nodes/node-red-contrib-adc121c021 ~/.node-red/node_modules

lastly, change to the node-red-contrib-adc121c021 directory and install the node,

cd ~/.node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-adc121c021 && npm install

Tips: After the installation of @rakwireless/adc121c021 is finished, please restart your node-red service. Otherwise, the node cannot be found/added to the new flow.


Tips: Please make sure that user has the permissions to access GPIO and i2c devices.

  • adc121c021_i2c

​ To get the voltage reading from the adc121c021, user only need to define the i2c bus of the chip.

adc121c021_i2c node configuration


​ Define the message name if you wish to change the name displayed on the node.


​ Default I2C Bus is 1. 1 is for '/dev/i2c-1'.


​ The Address by default is set to 0x51, this is the I2C address of RAK12004. Please check adc121c021's datasheet for more information.

​ The output of the node is showed as follows.

	i2c_address: 81

	i2c_device_number: 1

	Raw_value: 2350

	Volts:  "2.869"



This project is licensed under MIT license.

Node Info

Version: 1.0.0
Updated 2 years, 11 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: not yet rated





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  • adc121c021_i2c


  • node-red
  • rakwireless
  • adc
  • i2c
  • adc121c021
