@programie/node-red-aircon-rac-wf 1.1.1

Node-RED nodes for interacting with Mitsubishi Aircon RAC-WF WiFi modules

npm install @programie/node-red-aircon-rac-wf

This node is based on the ioBroker implementation from wolkeSoftware.


Currently, there are two nodes available.

Both nodes require at least the target host of the aircon to be configured (i.e. by hostname or IP address).

Optionally, you can specify the operator ID and device ID if that is required by your device.


This node is used to retrieve the current state of the air con.

Any input is ignored. The decoded state is written to the payload property of the message.


This node is used to change the current state of the air con.

The payload sent to this node is encoded and transferred to the air con.

You may specify any property contained in the payload property returned by the mitsubishi-aircon-getstat node.

Example payload (changes operation mode to cooling and turns on the device):

  "operationMode": 1,
  "operation": true

Aircon Stat

Field Values Changeable? Description
airFlow 0: Auto, 1-4: Fan speed yes Fan speed
coolHotJudge yes Vacant Property Mode
electric no
entrust no
errorCode no
indoorTemp no Room temperature
isAutoHeating no
isSelfCleanOperation no
isSelfCleanReset no
isVacantProperty no
modelNo no
operation 0: Off, 1: On yes Power state (on/off)
operationMode 0: Auto, 1: Cooling, 2: Heating, 3: Fan, 4: Dry yes Current operation mode
outdoorTemp no Outdoor temperature
presetTemp yes Target temperature
windDirectionLR 0: Auto, 1-6 (Left, Middle, Right), 6: Left + Right, 7: Spot yes Horizontal fan direction
windDirectionUD 0: Auto, 1-4 (Top, Middle, Down) yes Vertical fan direction

Node Info

Version: 1.1.1
Updated 8 months, 2 weeks ago
License: MIT
Rating: 3.3 3




0 in the last week


  • mitsubishi-aircon-getstat
  • mitsubishi-aircon-setstat


  • node-red
  • mitsubishi aircon
  • rac-wf
