@powerhouse-solutions/node-red-contrib-twinhub 1.2.6
The official Node-RED package from Powerhouse Solutions GmbH
TwinHub Node-RED Package – The official Node-RED package from Powerhouse Solutions GmbH.
Install via npm:
- open cmd
- go to your Node-Red dictionary ( cd C:\Users\Username\.node-red )
- npm install @powerhouse-solutions/node-red-contrib-twinhub
Or install directly in Node-RED:
- Open Node-RED
- Go to Manage Palette
- Search for twinhub
- Click Install
Nodes in this package
This package includes several nodes:
- demo_store-io-data → Simulates the generation of IO-Box data and stores it in the RuleBox database.
- store-io-data → Receives IO-Box signals and writes them to the local RuleBox database.
- get-bearer-token → Retrieves and caches a Bearer token for authentication.
- crud-rulebox → Provides CRUD operations for managing RuleBox table.
- post-progress → Enriches IO-Box data with additional metadata from an API.
- fetch-unuploaded-data → Retrieves processed RuleBox records that have not yet been uploaded.
- upload-raw-data → Uploads processed RuleBox data to an API and updates the local database with an upload timestamp.
more detailed explanation of each node and its functionality can be found in German in the help section of Node-RED.
Once installed, the nodes will appear in the TwinHub category in Node-RED. Drag and drop them into your flow and configure their settings.
Powerhouse Solutions GmbH
For more information, visit Powerhouse Solutions GmbH