@platmac/node-red-shopify 0.1.2

A collection of Node-RED nodes for Shopify Admin API / REST.

npm install @platmac/node-red-shopify

Fork of the node-red-contrib-shopify package with added more API ends from ShopifyAPI node-red-contrib-shopify repository


Perform many usefull actions on your Shopify store via Node-RED, such as Blogs and articles editing, moderation comments, review and change in orders and customer accounts, changing the store assortment and availability.

Use Cases

The node-red-contrib-shopify node for Node-RED can be used to integrate with the Shopify API, allowing you to automate a variety of tasks in your online store. Here are some use cases for this node:

1. Order Automation: Use this node to automatically create, update, or delete orders in your Shopify store based on incoming data from other systems or external triggers.

2. Inventory Management: Automate the process of updating stock levels, for example, by synchronizing inventory with other platforms or updating stock levels in real time after products are sold.

3. Customer Interaction: Use the node to automatically send customized messages to customers, such as thank-you emails after a purchase or notifications about special offers and promotions.

4. Feedback Processing: Automate the collection and analysis of customer feedback, organizing responses to improve products and services.

5. Reporting and Analytics: Easily integrate Shopify data with other analytics tools to create sales reports, analyze purchasing trends, and measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

6. Synchronization with Other Platforms: Integrate your Shopify store with other e-commerce platforms, ERP systems, or CRMs to synchronize data and improve business management. These examples demonstrate how the node-red-contrib-shopify node can be used to automate processes and enhance customer interactions in an online store.

7. Shipping and Fulfillment: Automate the control of shipping and fulfillment of orders.


@platmac/node-red-shopify can be install using the node-red editor's pallete or by running npm in the console:

npm install @platmac/node-red-shopify

Restart your Node-RED instance, the shopify node appears in the palette and ready for use.

 Setup  Іhopify API connection

List nodes

Input parametrs:

  • articleId - id of an article you want to perform actions with;

  • blogId - id of a blog you want to perform actions with;

  • themeId - id of a theme you want to perform actions with;

  • commentId - id of a comment you want to perform actions with;

  • pageId - id of a page you want to perform actions with;

  • fulfillmentOrderId - id of fulfillent order you want to perform actions with;

  • carrierServiceId - if of carrier service you want to perform actions with;

  • lineItemsByFulfillmentOrder - the fulfillment order line items that have to be fulfilled;

  • fulfillmentId - id of fulfillment you want to perform actions with;

  • eventId - id of event you want to perform actions with;

  • fulfillmentServiceId - id of fulfillment service you want to perform actions with;

  • fulfillmentOrderIds - list of ids of fulfillment orders you want to perform actions with;

  • orderId - id of order you want to perform actions with;

  • addressId - id of address you want to perform actions with;

  • customerId - if of customer you want to perform actions with;

  • inventoryItemId - id of inventory item you want to perform actions with;

  • locationId - id of location you want to perform actions with;

  • draftOrderId - id of draft order you want to perform actions with;

  • productId - id of product you want to perform actions with;

  • variantId - id of variant you want to perform actions with;

  • dataJson - additional field for all optinal fields, list of which you can see at Shopify REST Admin API reference;


Authenticate the Shopify Admin API. Select the type of application in App Type and enter the required information.

  • Private apps - Authenticate using API Key and password.
  • Custom apps - Authenticate using AccessToken.

shopify-customers node

The shopify-customers node performs the following operations on the shop's customer information.

  • Customer

    • List - Retrieves a list of customers.
    • Get - Retrieves a single customer.
    • Create - Creates a customer.
    • Update - Updates a customer.
    • Delete - Removes a customer.
  • Customer Address

    • List - Retrieves a list of addresses for a customer.
    • Get - Retrieves details for a single customer address.
    • Create - Creates a new address for a customer.
    • Update - Updates an existing customer address.
    • Delete - Removes an address from a customer’s address list.

shopify-products node

The shopify-products node performs the following operations on the shop's product information.

  • Product

    • List - Retrieve a list of products.
    • Get - Retrieve a single product.
    • Create - Create a new product.
    • Update - Updates a product
    • Delete - Delete a product.
  • Product Variant

    • List - Retrieves a list of product variants.
    • Get - Receive a single Product Variant.
    • Create - Create a new Product Variant.
    • Update - Modify an existing Product Variant.
    • Delete - Remove an existing Product Variant.

shopify-orders node

The shopify-orders node performs the following operations on the shop's order information.

  • DraftOrder

    • List - Retrieves a list of draft orders.
    • Get - Receive a single DraftOrder.
    • Create - Create a new DraftOrder.
    • Update - Modify an existing DraftOrder.
    • Delete - Remove an existing DraftOrder.
  • Order

    • List - Retrieve a list of orders.
    • Get - Retrieve a specific order.
    • Create - Create an order.
    • Update - Update an order.
    • Delete - Delete an order.

shopify-inventory node

The shopify-inventory node performs the following operations on the shop's inventory information.

  • InventoryItem

    • List - Retrieves a list of inventory items.
    • Get - Retrieves a single inventory item by ID.
    • Update - Updates an existing inventory item.
  • InventoryLevel

    • List - Retrieves a list of inventory levels.
    • Set - Sets the inventory level for an inventory item at a location.
    • Adjust - Adjusts the inventory level of an inventory item at a location.
    • Delete - Deletes an inventory level from a location.
  • Location

    • List - Retrieve a list of locations.
    • Get - Retrieve a single location by its ID.
    • inventoryLevels - Retrieve a list of inventory levels for a location.

shopify-online_store node

The shopify-online_store node performs the following operations on the shop's website.

  • Article

    • List - Retrieves a list of articles.
    • Get - Retrieves a single article.
    • Create - Creates an article.
    • Update - Updates an article.
    • Delete - Removes an article.
    • Tage - Retrieves a list of tags from articles.
    • Author - Retrieves a list of authors from articles.
    • Count - Counts an articles.
  • Blog

    • List - Retrieves a list of blogs.
    • Get - Retrieves a single blog.
    • Create - Creates a blog.
    • Update - Updates a blog.
    • Delete - Removes a blog.
    • Count - Counts blogs.
  • Comment

    • List - Retrieves a list of comments.
    • Get - Retrieves a single comment.
    • Create - Creates a comment.
    • Update - Updates a comment.
    • Remove - Removes a comment.
    • Approve - Approves a comment.
    • Count - Counts comments.
    • Not Spam - Mark comment as not spam.
    • Spam - Mark comment as spam.
    • Restore - Restores a comment.
  • Page

    • List - Retrieves a list of pages.
    • Get - Retrieves a single page.
    • Create - Creates a page.
    • Update - Updates a page.
    • Delete - Removes a page.
    • Count - Counts pages.
  • Theme

    • List - Retrieves a list of themes.
    • Get - Retrieves a single theme.
    • Create - Creates a theme.
    • Update - Updates a theme.
    • Delete - Removes a theme.

shopify-shipping_fulfillment node

The shopify-shipping_fulfillment node performs the following operations on the shop's shipping and fulfillment of orders information.

  • Assigned fulfillment order

    • Get - Retrieves a assigned fulfillment order.
  • Cancellation request

    • Send cancelation request - Send cancelation request.
    • Accept cancelation request - Accepts cancelation request.
    • Reject cancelation request - Rejects cancelation service.
  • Carrier service

    • Create - Create a carrier service.
    • List - Retrieves a list of carrier services.
    • Get - Retrieves a single carrier service.
    • Update - Updates a carrier service.
    • Delete - Removes a carrier service.
  • Fulfillment

    • Create - Create a fulfillment.
    • Cancel - Removes a fulfillment.
    • Update - Updates a single fulfillment.
    • List for order - Retrieves a list of fulfillments.
    • Get - Retrieves a single fulfillment.
    • Count - Retrieves a count of fulfillments.
  • Fulfillment event

    • Create - Create a fulfillment event.
    • List - Retrieves a lisf ot fulfillment events.
    • Get - Retrieves a single fulfillment event.
    • Delete - Removes a fulfillment event.
  • Fulfillment order

    • Cancel - Cancel a fulfillment order.
    • Move to new location - Moves fulfillment order to new location.
    • Set deadline for fulfill - Sets deadline for fulfill for order.
    • Get - Retrieves a single fulfillment order.
    • List for order - Retrieves a list of fulfillment orders for order.
    • Locations for move - Retrieves a list of locations for move fulfillment order
  • Fulfillment request

    • Send fulfillment request - Send fulfillment request.
    • Accept fulfillment request fulfillment request - Accepts fulfillment request fulfillment request.
    • Reject fulfillment request - Rejects fulfillment request.
  • Fulfillment service

    • Create - Create a fulfillment service.
    • List - Retrieves a list of fulfillment service.
    • Get - Retrieves a single fulfillment service.
    • Update - Updates a fulfillment service.
    • Delete - Removes a fulfillment service.

Note: For more information about parametrs inside "dataJson", see Shopify REST Admin API reference.

Node Info

Version: 0.1.2
Updated 6 months, 1 week ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: not yet rated





2 in the last week


  • shopify-auth
  • shopify-customers
  • shopify-products
  • shopify-orders
  • shopify-inventory
  • shopify-online_store
  • shopify-shipping_fulfillment


  • node-red
  • Shopify
