@platmac/node-red-google-analytics-ga 1.0.5
Google Analytics UA(v3) & GA4(v1)
Fork of the node-red-contrib-google-analytics-ga package with changed auth method and some fixes node-red-contrib-google-analytics-ga repository
Run different reports by GA4 and UA Google Analytics API.
Use cases
- Automation of running reports and processing them.
- Create custom dashboards with metrics necessary just for you.
@platmac/node-red-google-analytics-ga can be install using the node-red editor's pallete or by running npm in the console:
npm i @platmac/node-red-google-analytics-ga
From the Node-red:
- Menu / Manage Palette / Install / search modules
- Search by name '@platmac/node-red-google-analytics-ga'
- Choose and press Install button
- Use node in Node-red from category Google
Setup Google Analytics API connection
Node must have access to GA API by credentials file (*.json). Follow the instructions for get it:
- Select or create a Cloud Platform project
- Enable the Google Analytics Data API. More Api libraries
- Add one(both) of those scopes into your project on "Oauth consent screen" page:
- Create a service account for your project. Create key in service account and save credentials file(*.json) on your disk (See items 1-7 on step 1)
- Add service account (see client_email in *.json) to Google Analytics account by Access Management (See paragraph)
Node has 4 functions for using:
- Universal Analytics(UA) API v3 ga (by function ga)
- Universal Analytics(UA) API v3 realtime (by function Realtime)
- GA4 API v1 (by function runReport)
- GA4 API v1 realtime (by function runRealtimeReport)
Node input properties:
All properties have to be inside msg.payload object.
- ids - id of property to run UA reports for
- propertyId - id of property to run GA4 reports for
- clientEmail - field from credentials json file
- privateKey - field from credentials json file
- dimensions - the dimensions requested and displayed
- metrics - the metrics requested and displayed.
- start-date - start of report date (YYYY-MM-DD) or templated for UA report
- end-date - end of report date (YYYY-MM-DD) or templated for UA report
- filters - filters for UA report
- maxResults - the number of rows to return for UA report
- sortResults - sort field for UA report
- metricOrderBy - field to order metric by it
- dimensionOrderBy - field to order dimension by it
- dimensionOrderType - type of order dimension
- endMinutesAgo - end of report date in minutes before report request. Only for realtime reports
- startMinutesAgo - start of report date in minutes before report request. Only for realtime reports
- limit - the number of rows to return. If unspecified, 10,000 rows are returned. The API returns a maximum of 250,000 rows per request, no matter how many you ask for. limit must be positive.
- sinceDate - the date field with templated values and element "custom" that allows to use another way to select date
- startDate - start of report date (YYYY-MM-DD)
- endDate - end of report date (YYYY-MM-DD)