@mschaeffler/node-red-logic 3.1.6

nodes for simple operations.

npm install @mschaeffler/node-red-logic


Nodes to perform boolean and arithmetic operations on input signals.

image of nodes

If the msg property invalid is present in the message, all nodes ignore the message.


$ npm install @mschaeffler/node-red-logic

Boolean Nodes

image of example flow

to bool

Converts payload to a bool value:

type value is converted to
bool false false
true true
number 0 false
1 true
string false false
0 false
off false
true true
1 true
on true


The message property to be used as payload can be defined with the Property property.

msg. type description
payload input value.


msg. type description
payload boolean bool value of payload.


config type description
Property string defines the message property to be used as payload.
Status boolean shows the actual value as a node status.


Combines two or more boolean vales with the or operator.

The input values are converted as described in the to bool node.


The different inputs are differentiated by topics.

The message property to be used as payload can be defined with the Property property.

msg. type description
topic string name of the input channel.
payload boolean input value for topic.


msg. type description
payload boolean result of or of all input topics.
count number number of data elements.


config type description
Topic string defines the topic for the output message.
Property string defines the message property to be used as payload.
min. Data number min. amount of topics to generate an output.


Combines two or more boolean vales with the and operator.

The input values are converted as described in the to bool node.


The different inputs are differentiated by topics.

The message property to be used as payload can be defined with the Property property.

msg. type description
topic string name of the input channel.
payload boolean input value for topic.


msg. type description
payload boolean result of and of all input topics.
count number number of data elements.


config type description
Topic string defines the topic for the output message.
Property string defines the message property to be used as payload.
min. Data number min. amount of topics to generate an output.

Integer Nodes

image of example flow


A node that just count the messages.


msg. type description
count number number of messages.

to number

Converts payload to a number.


The message property to be used as payload can be defined with the Property property.

msg. type description
payload input value.


msg. type description
payload number number value of payload.


config type description
Property string defines the message property to be used as payload.
Status boolean shows the actual value as a node status.


Combines two or more streams of data (topics) into one single value.

Each stream can be debounced by arithmatic mean.


The different inputs are differentiated by topics.

The message property to be used as payload can be defined with the Property property.

msg. type description
topic string name of the input channel.
payload number input value for topic.


msg. type description
payload number result of combining of all input topics.
count number number of data elements.


config type description
Topic string defines the topic for the output message.
Property string defines the message property to be used as payload.
min. Mean number min. amount of values for the arithmatic mean of one topic.
max. Mean number max. amount of values for the arithmatic mean of one topic.
min. Data number min. amount of topics to generate an output.
Algorithm string algorithm to combine the values.


algorithm description
add ads up the topic channels
mean averages the topic channels
prod multiplies the topic channels
min gets the minimal value of the topic channels
max gets the maximal value of the topic channels


Calculate statistical values of one or more data streams.

Each stream can be debounced by arithmatic mean.

If the msg property invalid is present in the message, all nodes ignore the message.


The different inputs are differentiated by topics.

The message property to be used as payload can be defined with the Property property.

msg. type description
topic string name of the input channel.
payload number input value for topic.


msg. type description
payload same as in input message.
stats.count number number of data elements.
stats.min number number minimal value.
stats.max number number maximal value.
stats.average number number average value.
stats.deviation number number standard deviation.
stats.variation number number coefficient of variation.


config type description
Property string defines the message property to be used as payload.
delta time number time frame to collect the data for the analysis.
min. Data number min. amount of data points to generate an output.

Edge Nodes

image of example flow


Message is only forwarded, if the payload falls below a threshold value.

Each topic is treated seperatly.


The message property to be used as payload can be defined with the Property property.

msg. type description
topic string name of the input channel.
payload number input value for topic.


Trigger message, in case a falling edge is detected.


config type description
Property string defines the message property to be used as payload.
Threshold number threshold value for the edge detection.
Status boolean shows the actual value as a node status.


Message is only forwarded, if the payload raises above a threshold value.

Each topic is treated seperatly.


The message property to be used as payload can be defined with the Property property.

msg. type description
topic string name of the input channel.
payload number input value for topic.


Trigger message, in case a raising edge is detected.


config type description
Property string defines the message property to be used as payload.
Threshold number threshold value for the edge detection.
Status boolean shows the actual value as a node status.


Message is only forwarded, if the payload raises above an upper limit or falls below a lower limit.

Each topic is treated seperatly.


The message property to be used as payload can be defined with the Property property.

msg. type description
topic string name of the input channel.
payload number input value for topic.


Trigger message, in case an edge is detected.


config type description
Property string defines the message property to be used as payload.
up Threshold number threshold value for the raising edge detection.
d(ow)n Threshold number threshold value for the falling edge detection.
1st message string initial behaviour (None, Rising, Falling, Any).
Status boolean shows the actual value as a node status.

Example Flows

boolean nodes

integer nodes

edge nodes


Mathias Schäffler


for falling edge, raising edge and hysteresis:



Node Info

Version: 3.1.6
Updated 3 months ago
License: LGPL-2.1
Rating: 4.0 3





75 in the last week


  • counter
  • tobool
  • not
  • or
  • and
  • tonumber
  • negate
  • reduce
  • fallingEdge
  • raisingEdge
  • hysteresisEdge
  • statistics
  • mean


  • node-red
