@inutil-labs/node-red-whin-whatsapp 0.1.0

Whin is a whatsapp node for node-red, through a shared gateway

npm install @inutil-labs/node-red-whin-whatsapp


Whin is a whatsapp gateway designed to support home-lab's most frequent use cases for free; the back-end acts as a whatsapp shared gateway, the client side is a set of node-red nodes available at the editor Palette.


To install whin, your first choice should be using node-red editor Palette. Find the repo: @inutil-labs/node-red-whin-whatsapp and install.

As an alt method: open a terminal, cd to the user modules directory (tipically ~/data/node_modules/), git clone this repository inside, cd into the folder created, and run this command:

npm install @inutil-labs/node-red-whin-whatsapp

Set-up whin:

You need to become a whin user to get your user credentials. There's a free Tier for home-Lab owners which will cover (hopefully) all your needs, so there's no intrinsic cost associated to use whin. If you click on this link you can watch a step-by-step video showing how to get subscribed to whin free Tier.

After you are subscribed, you can follow this video to install and set up the nodes included on whin package.

If you don't like following videos, the back-end API documentation and how-to tutorials can be found here.

All whin nodes installed share a configuration node that stores your user credentials. Once you get subscribed an ApiKey will show up: copy it; then open the configuration node and paste it on the field named: ApiKey. That's all you need to do to start using whin.

A whin-config node looks like this when properly configured:


About the ApiKey:

The ApiKey field is expecting a string, numbers and letters with no spaces. If you get stucked, check this video and see where can you find the key that you have to copy and paste on the config node. Note that the ApiKey value is linked with the phone number you used to sign-up. Remember the messages sent from node-red will always be delivered by whin to the phone number or whatsapp groups linked with the ApiKey set. This is to prevent spam.

Each ApiKey is valid forever as long as you keep subscribed to whin; this remains true even if you are subscribed to the free plan.

Infographic of the set-up:

This picture shows the overall process:


  1. subscribe to the free tier and get an apikey.
  2. send a sign-up message to link your phone number with the apikey.
  3. config whin on node-red.

Whin Nodes:

When you install @inutil-labs/node-red-whin-whatsapp package, you will get two nodes available on node-red Palette under the Network category:

  • whin-receive,
  • whin-send.

These Nodes rely on a configuration Node called whin-config (not visible on the editor Palette).

The Configuration Node (whin-config):

This node will be used to enter your credentials; the credentials will be available and shared among all whin nodes. If you happen to have several phone numbers at home, you will need an ApiKey for each number and create a profile for each on the whin-config node. This is the field that you need to complete to set up the whin-config node:


Sender (whin-send):

This is the node we recomend you start using right after you complete the config-node set-up. Just select the configuration you saved:


Wire an inject node to whin-send, choose the type of message you want to send (see all types and its schemas below), and you should receive a message on your whatsapp client (web, desktop or mobile app). Anything that comes into whin-send as data payload will be sent, bear in mind the payload MUST be a JSON object following any of the valid schemas described below.


Whin allows you to send whatsapps to your node-red environment; any message you send to whin, or written on a whatsapp group in which whin was added, will be delivered to node-red. You might create your own syntax to trigger stuff in node-red from whatsapp. Switching on lights or music, moderate a whatsapp group, disconnect the alarm, run a sales report, send a document and process it on node-red somehow... Sky is the limit.

The Listener can operate on two different modes: webhook mode and always-on mode. Depending on the mode, you need to use whin-receive node or not. You can have both modes working in parallel.

Running on webhook mode:

This option is available for all whin users on all Tiers. If you choose this option, whin-receive node is NOT needed, there's no need to deploy the node on your flows to receive whatsapps. For this mode to work you have to expose a webhook route using a standard http-in node; the route will receive all whatsapps as http POST. All you need to do is set the route to tell whin back-end where you wish the messages to be delivered. You can follow the steps on this video showing how to set a webhook route, how to change to a new route, delete it... Any tool or method that allows exposing a node-red end-point is valid (ngrok, cloudflare tunnels, exposed proxy, opening a port,...), click on the links to watch videos showing how-to.

Running on always-on mode (whin-receive):

This option is ONLY available for users on a paid plan (any). For this option you do need to deploy whin-receive node, and turn it on. After adding this node to a flow, you need to turn it on, and you will see that whin-receive shows a green message saying: "Connected to Whatsapp". No further configuration is needed, nor is needed exposing any route or opening ports. The whin-receive node will establish a persistent connection to whin back-end that will receive any whatsapp as a raw stream at your end.

Whenever you do a Full Deploy or Restart all flows you may have to reconnect the node to whin backend, by clicking on the toggle switch. This will restablish the websocket connection.

Types of messages:

Whin will send / receive several types of messages, you can send:

  • text messages.
  • buttons.
  • lists.
  • vCards.
  • locations.
  • audio.
  • video.
  • image.
  • document.

You need to set the right payload schema so that the back-end understands the request you send, otherwise whin wont be able to route the message. If you want to add a footer text to any media message (audio, video, image,...) adding a caption property will add the text on the footer. These schemas are valid for messages routed to whatsapp groups also.

Text message:

If you want to send a text, the msg.payload schema expected is a JSON object that must contain a text property, for example:

  "text" : "this is a text sent from whin"

You will send a regular text message.

[{"id":"087c3e77df8d470e","type":"inject","z":"cf89517d277e4d1d","name":"text","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"{\"text\":\"this is a text sent from whin\"}","payloadType":"json","x":525,"y":500,"wires":[["87c043c001c38b5f"]]}]

List message:

If you want to send a list, the msg.payload schema expected is a JSON object that must contain text, footer, title, buttonText, sections properties, for example:

  "text": "This is a list",
  "footer": "nice footer, link: https://inutil.info",
  "title": "Amazing boldfaced list title",
  "buttonText": "Required, text on the button to view the list",
	"title": "Section 1",
	"rows": [
	    	{"title": "Option 1", "rowId": "option1"},
	    	{"title": "Option 2", "rowId": "option2", "description": "This is a description"}
	"title": "Section 2",
	"rows": [
	    	{"title": "Option 3", "rowId": "option3"},
	    	{"title": "Option 4", "rowId": "option4", "description": "This is a description V2"}

This is how it looks the message that you will send:


[{"id":"b3f12d9fe67d298a","type":"inject","z":"cf89517d277e4d1d","name":"list","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"{\"text\":\"This is a list from whin\",\"footer\":\"nice footer, link: https://inutil.info\",\"title\":\"Amazing boldfaced list title\",\"buttonText\":\"Required, text on the button to view the list\",\"sections\":[{\"title\":\"Section 1\",\"rows\":[{\"title\":\"Option 1\",\"rowId\":\"option1\"},{\"title\":\"Option 2\",\"rowId\":\"option2\",\"description\":\"This is a description\"}]},{\"title\":\"Section 2\",\"rows\":[{\"title\":\"Option 3\",\"rowId\":\"option3\"},{\"title\":\"Option 4\",\"rowId\":\"option4\",\"description\":\"This is a description V2\"}]}]}","payloadType":"json","x":525,"y":550,"wires":[["87c043c001c38b5f"]]}]

Buttons message:

If you want to send a set of buttons, the msg.payload schema expected is a JSON object that must contain text, footer, buttons, headerType properties, optional properties are: image and caption. See these examples:

    "text": "This is a button message",
    "footer": "Hello World",
    "buttons": [
  		{"buttonId": "id1", "buttonText": {"displayText": "Button 1"}, "type": 1},
  		{"buttonId": "id2", "buttonText": {"displayText": "Button 2"}, "type": 1},
  		{"buttonId": "id3", "buttonText": {"displayText": "Button 3"}, "type": 1}
    "headerType": 1

This is how it looks the message that you will send:


[{"id":"f5e0f4ecdd624eb1","type":"inject","z":"cf89517d277e4d1d","name":"buttons","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"{\"text\":\"This is a button message\",\"footer\":\"Hello World\",\"buttons\":[{\"buttonId\":\"id1\",\"buttonText\":{\"displayText\":\"Button 1\"},\"type\":1},{\"buttonId\":\"id2\",\"buttonText\":{\"displayText\":\"Button 2\"},\"type\":1},{\"buttonId\":\"id3\",\"buttonText\":{\"displayText\":\"Button 3\"},\"type\":1}],\"headerType\":1}","payloadType":"json","x":525,"y":600,"wires":[["87c043c001c38b5f"]]}]

If you want to send a set of buttons with an image header:

    "image": {"url": "https://inutil.info/img/portfolio/4.jpg"},
    "caption": "This is a button message with img",
    "footer": "Hello World",
    "buttons": [
  		{"buttonId": "id1", "buttonText": {"displayText": "Button 1"}, "type": 1},
  		{"buttonId": "id2", "buttonText": {"displayText": "Button 2"}, "type": 1},
  		{"buttonId": "id3", "buttonText": {"displayText": "Button 3"}, "type": 1}
    "headerType": 4
[{"id":"3f8228e7c05e7102","type":"inject","z":"cf89517d277e4d1d","name":"buttons and image","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"{\"image\":{\"url\":\"https://inutil.info/img/portfolio/4.jpg\"},\"caption\":\"This is a button message with img\",\"footer\":\"Hello World\",\"buttons\":[{\"buttonId\":\"id1\",\"buttonText\":{\"displayText\":\"Button 1\"},\"type\":1},{\"buttonId\":\"id2\",\"buttonText\":{\"displayText\":\"Button 2\"},\"type\":1},{\"buttonId\":\"id3\",\"buttonText\":{\"displayText\":\"Button 3\"},\"type\":1}],\"headerType\":4}","payloadType":"json","x":490,"y":650,"wires":[["87c043c001c38b5f"]]}]

vCard message:

If you want to send a contact vCard, the msg.payload schema expected is a JSON object that must contain contacts, contacts.displayName and contacts.contacts with an array of data. For example:

    "contacts": {
        "displayName": "whin",
        "contacts": [
                "vcard": "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nFN:whin bot\nORG:Inutil Labs;\nTEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;waid=34605797764:+34 605 797 764\nEND:VCARD"

This is how it looks the message that you will send:


[{"id":"8d22d09848a51ae7","type":"inject","z":"cf89517d277e4d1d","name":"vCard","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"{\"contacts\":{\"displayName\":\"whin\",\"contacts\":[{\"vcard\":\"BEGIN:VCARD\\nVERSION:3.0\\nFN:whin bot\\nORG:Inutil Labs;\\nTEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;waid=34605797764:+34 605 797 764\\nEND:VCARD\"}]}}","payloadType":"json","x":525,"y":700,"wires":[["87c043c001c38b5f"]]}]

Location message:

If you want to send a Location, the msg.payload schema expected is a JSON object that must contain location, location.degreesLatitude and location.degreesLongitude properties, for example:

    "location": {
        "degreesLatitude": 40.4526941,
        "degreesLongitude": -3.6897589

This is how it looks the message that you will send:



Audio message:

If you want to send an audio file, the msg.payload schema expected is a JSON object that must contain a audio and audio.url properties, for example:

    "audio": {
        "url": "https://www.mboxdrive.com/gundul.mp3"

You can import this sample inject node:


Video message:

If you want to send a video file, the msg.payload schema expected is a JSON object that must contain a video and video.url properties, for example:

    "video": {
        "url": "https://i.imgur.com/BYuofkh.mp4"

You can import this sample inject node:


Image message:

If you want to send an image file, the msg.payload schema expected is a JSON object that must contain a image and image.url properties, for example:

    "image": {
        "url": "https://i.imgur.com/F4sdrY4.jpeg"

adding a caption property will add a text on the footer:

    "image": {
        "url": "https://i.imgur.com/Y6A0o7y.jpeg"
    "caption": "This is an image with text"

You can import this sample inject node:


Document message:

If you want to send a document file, the msg.payload schema expected is a JSON object that must contain a document and document.url properties, for example:

    "document": {
        "url": "https://file-examples.com/storage/feeb31b1716385276a318de/2017/10/file-sample_150kB.pdf"

You can import this sample inject node:


Whatsapp Groups:

You can add whin to whatsapp groups. When you add whin to a whatsapp group all messages written on the group will be delivered to node-red, and all messages sent to the group from node-red will be written on the whatsapp group. You will be the Admin of the group, you can add or remove people, change the group settings,... anything a group Admin can do. This video shows this feature in action.

To start using this feature, ask whin to create a whatsapp group sending a whatsapp with this command:


When whin receives this command, it will:

  1. create a group,
  2. invite you to join the group,
  3. promote you to Admin of the group (*),
  4. send you an invite link.

(*) Bear in mind that if you have set Whatsapp groups privacy settings to: “Do not allow others to add me to groups”, you will receive an invitation to join the group, but Whin won’t be able to promote you to Admin. If you wish to be the Admin of the group, you need to add Whin to your contacts (or change your privacy settings) before the group is created.

Once you're Admin of the group, it's all yours. Whin will remain as Admin of the group too, but all it will do from this point in time is: forward all the messages written on the chat to node-red (using the listener modes described above), and write to the group whatever you send to the group (using the sender node described above).

To send messages to the group, you will need the group-id; a group-id is like a phone-number that identifies each group on the whatsapp network. You can ask whin which is the unique id of your group(s), writing on the group this command:


When whin reads this command (written on the group), it will send you a direct whatsapp including the group-id.

Once you know the group id, you can start sending / receiving whatsapps to / from it. It's that simple!. The whole process is shown on this video.

For a message to flow into the group, whin-send node expects a msg.payload schema as a JSON object and a msg.gid STRING that contains the group identifier.

msg.payload  (any of the msg types described above)
msg.gid      (is the group-id provided by whin)

This is a sample inject node where you can see the schema of the payload you need to use:

[{"id":"e8fc5e3a6f222588","type":"inject","z":"a2b5a95f0173aba2","name":"whatsapp group","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"gid","v":"the_group_id_goes_here","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"{\"text\":\"hello group from node-red\"}","payloadType":"json","x":340,"y":920,"wires":[["7801cb451d36396a"]]}]

Sample Flows:

We are including a very simple set of flows under the examples folder on this repo. Use the examples to understand how the different messages formats are. We strongly recommend you use them to bootstrap your own use cases so that you get familiar with them.

Or you can also import this flow and test them all at once.

[{"id":"b3f12d9fe67d298a","type":"inject","z":"a2b5a95f0173aba2","name":"list","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"{\"text\":\"This is a list from whin\",\"footer\":\"nice footer, link: https://inutil.info\",\"title\":\"Amazing boldfaced list title\",\"buttonText\":\"Required, text on the button to view the list\",\"sections\":[{\"title\":\"Section 1\",\"rows\":[{\"title\":\"Option 1\",\"rowId\":\"option1\"},{\"title\":\"Option 2\",\"rowId\":\"option2\",\"description\":\"This is a description\"}]},{\"title\":\"Section 2\",\"rows\":[{\"title\":\"Option 3\",\"rowId\":\"option3\"},{\"title\":\"Option 4\",\"rowId\":\"option4\",\"description\":\"This is a description V2\"}]}]}","payloadType":"json","x":290,"y":100,"wires":[["87c043c001c38b5f"]]},{"id":"87c043c001c38b5f","type":"whin-send","z":"a2b5a95f0173aba2","name":"","auth":"b1f46bed1b0c6327","x":630,"y":200,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"f5e0f4ecdd624eb1","type":"inject","z":"a2b5a95f0173aba2","name":"buttons","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"{\"text\":\"This is a button message\",\"footer\":\"Hello World\",\"buttons\":[{\"buttonId\":\"id1\",\"buttonText\":{\"displayText\":\"Button 1\"},\"type\":1},{\"buttonId\":\"id2\",\"buttonText\":{\"displayText\":\"Button 2\"},\"type\":1},{\"buttonId\":\"id3\",\"buttonText\":{\"displayText\":\"Button 3\"},\"type\":1}],\"headerType\":1}","payloadType":"json","x":290,"y":160,"wires":[["87c043c001c38b5f"]]},{"id":"3f8228e7c05e7102","type":"inject","z":"a2b5a95f0173aba2","name":"buttons and image","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"{\"image\":{\"url\":\"https://inutil.info/img/portfolio/4.jpg\"},\"caption\":\"This is a button message with img\",\"footer\":\"Hello World\",\"buttons\":[{\"buttonId\":\"id1\",\"buttonText\":{\"displayText\":\"Button 1\"},\"type\":1},{\"buttonId\":\"id2\",\"buttonText\":{\"displayText\":\"Button 2\"},\"type\":1},{\"buttonId\":\"id3\",\"buttonText\":{\"displayText\":\"Button 3\"},\"type\":1}],\"headerType\":4}","payloadType":"json","x":330,"y":220,"wires":[["87c043c001c38b5f"]]},{"id":"087c3e77df8d470e","type":"inject","z":"a2b5a95f0173aba2","name":"text","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"{\"text\":\"this is a text sent from whin\"}","payloadType":"json","x":290,"y":40,"wires":[["87c043c001c38b5f"]]},{"id":"8d22d09848a51ae7","type":"inject","z":"a2b5a95f0173aba2","name":"vCard","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"{\"contacts\":{\"displayName\":\"whin\",\"contacts\":[{\"vcard\":\"BEGIN:VCARD\\nVERSION:3.0\\nFN:whin bot\\nORG:Inutil Labs;\\nTEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;waid=34605797764:+34 605 797 764\\nEND:VCARD\"}]}}","payloadType":"json","x":290,"y":280,"wires":[["87c043c001c38b5f"]]},{"id":"5a5f36cf66ee4c50","type":"inject","z":"a2b5a95f0173aba2","name":"location","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"{\"location\":{\"degreesLatitude\":40.4526941,\"degreesLongitude\":-3.6897589}}","payloadType":"json","x":290,"y":340,"wires":[["87c043c001c38b5f"]]},{"id":"b1f46bed1b0c6327","type":"whin-config","name":"whin2","apikey":"YOUR_API_KEY_GOES_HERE"}]

Demo videos:


Do you want more videos? check this playlist.

Error handling:

There are several types of errors that you can get when using the nodes:

  1. ApiKey invalid. This means that you did a mistake when you entered the ApiKey on the config node.
  2. The number of requests reached the limit. This means that you reached the limit on requests set on your Tier.
  3. To use this API, you need to subscribe first. Self-explanatory.
  4. If the message is not routed, check that you are injecting into whin-send a JSON object (verify it is not a STRING with JSON format).
  5. If the message is not delivered and you are sure it is a JSON object, verify that the schema of each msg is following the specs on this help.

Known bugs.

Please make sure you're always on the latest release. We tend to roll out new versions after deep testing, but you might find something not working as expected, please open an issue on the repo and we will follow up. At the moment we are not aware of anything that could be considered as a bug.


While we have not implemented military-class security, we have done our best to secure your data (both in transit and at rest). Should you need some answers with details please reach out and we will try to help you understand better the internals of whin.

Terms of use:

The service can be used free of charge. You will need to register at rapidAPI.com/whin to complete the set-up. We understand that the user sending the sign-up message wishes to use the service. The service is sending whatsapp messages ONLY to the number that was subscribed. We do not share the numbers using the service with anyone.

Since whin's first release we found some "Power users" need more than the average home user to implement their use cases. If you are one of those, you can signup for one of the paid Tiers that support: special features, custom front-ends / clients, extremely high throughput, or even a dedicated tenant.

Bear in mind there is a rate limit associated with the Tier choosen when you subscribe. If the rate limit is reached, the gateway will not process messages until the next limit cycle starts (tipically the next day). You can always upgrade your Tier if you need higher limits, or contact us at [email protected] to get information on custom usage plans.

You are free to change subscription Tier, or stop using the service and unsubscribe, at anytime.

Node Info

Version: 0.1.0
Updated 2 years, 3 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: 5.0 4





21 in the last week


  • whin_send
  • whin_receive
  • whin_group_commander
  • whin_config


  • node-red
  • whin
  • whatsapp
