@hurenkam/hue-services 0.6.4

Custom node-red nodes for interfacing with philips hue devices

npm install @hurenkam/hue-services


node-red palette to access hue bridge through clip v2 api



(Last update: 2022/12/16) This is not complete, but seems to work consistent and reliable for the services I regularly use. (motion/temperature/light_level/light/grouped_light/button/relative_rotary/scene).

Unit tests are in place for the server side nodes.

Editor/UI functionality is currently not being tested apart from my own use in the editor, so your mileage may vary.


v0.6.4: Fix checkbox to work with Safari

v0.6.3: Added option for nodes to generate a status event on startup (see issue #3)

v0.6.2: Fixes issue with services pointing to wrong bridge type and thus unable to add/edit bridge references.

v0.6.0: Warning! The 0.6.x releases break existing 0.5.x flows because the type names have been modified to use the @hurenkam/hue-services/ prefix. This should address issue #1.

Devices / Behaviors:

  • Removed for now, services should cover all the basics, devices & behaviors will be re-introduced in a later release


  • Generic Service, in case you need some service that is not supported below, you can use this.
  • Button
  • Device Power
  • Grouped Light
  • Light
  • Light Level
  • Motion
  • Relative Rotary
  • Scene
  • Temperature
  • Zigbee Connectivity


  • Bridge discovery and automatic key generation has not yet been implemented. Currently the bridge needs to be configured manually with an ip address and known key.
  • Provide better low level support for simple resources as 'grouped_light' or 'light'.
  • Provide a generic sevice node (to allow using as of yet unsupported services)
  • Use scope, this is probably required if i want to upload this as a package.
  • Fix packaging, now I'm using a symlink to point to my *UI.js files, this needs a proper solution.
  • Upload package to node-red library
  • Unit Tests for Clip
  • Unit Tests for Nodes
  • Unit Tests for UI

Postponed until after 0.6.x release

  • Improve 'smart' modes for Switch and Motion devices
  • Improve the generic device node (which allows using as of yet unsupported devices)
  • Support more devices
    • smart button (should be easy to do, but i don't have one to test)
    • tap dial switch (should be similar to a lutron aurora, but i don't have one to test)


Using these nodes requires a bit of knowledge on the clip v2 api, as i designed this palette to offer an easy low level interface towards clip.

The basic principle of the nodes is that you select the proper id on the bridge, then clip events associated with that resource id will come out as msg.payload, and whatever msg.payload is piped in at the input will be sent as a put request to the clip v2 interface. (See here: https://developers.meethue.com/develop/hue-api-v2 )

The following command will for instance switch a light, room or zone on:

{ "rtypes": ["light", "grouped_light"], "payload": { "on": { "on": true } } }

And the following command wil set the brightness to 50%:

{ "rtypes": ["light", "grouped_light"], "payload": { "dimming": { "brightness": 50 } } }

Do note that to address a node, you must either provide an msg.rids array that contains the rid of the resource you wish to address, or an msg.rtypes array that contains the rtype of the resource you wish to address.


Incoming Event

    actor Bridge
    Bridge ->> ClipApi: message
    ClipApi ->> Resource: onEvent
    Resource ->> ResourceNode: update(event)
    ResourceNode ->> Output: msg.payload = event

Outgoing Message

    actor Bridge
    Input ->> ResourceNode: msg.payload, msg.rtypes | msg.rids
    ResourceNode ->> Resource: put msg.payload
    Resource ->> ClipApi: put rid, data
    ClipApi ->> RestApi: put /clip/v2/rid data
    RestApi ->> Bridge: put

Class Diagram


class BaseNode {


class ResourceNode {

class ServiceNode {

class BridgeConfigNode {

class ClipApi {

class RestApi {

class Resource {

class ButtonNode {

class DevicePowerNode {

class GroupedLightNode {

class LightLevelNode {

class LightNode {

class MotionNode {

class RelativeRotaryNode {

class SceneNode {

class TemperatureNode {

class ZigbeeConnectivityNode {

direction LR
BaseNode <|-- BridgeConfigNode
BaseNode <|-- ResourceNode
ResourceNode ..> BridgeConfigNode
ResourceNode --> Resource
ResourceNode <|-- ServiceNode
ResourceNode <|-- ButtonNode
ResourceNode <|-- DevicePowerNode
ResourceNode <|-- GroupedLightNode
ResourceNode <|-- LightLevelNode
ResourceNode <|-- LightNode
ResourceNode <|-- MotionNode
ResourceNode <|-- RelativeRotaryNode
ResourceNode <|-- SceneNode
ResourceNode <|-- TemperatureNode
ResourceNode <|-- ZigbeeConnectivityNode

BridgeConfigNode --> ClipApi
ClipApi --> RestApi
ClipApi *-- Resource


(see src/debug.js) The server side classes are instrumented with logging using the debug module, this can be changed runtime by sending appropriate GET / POST / DELETE requests to the node-red /debug endpoint (default: http://localhost:1880/debug):

Use the following command to retrieve the current settings:

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" 'localhost:1880/debug'

Use the following command to enable error and warning logging:

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" 'localhost:1880/debug' -d "namespaces='error:*,warn:*"

Use the following command to disable debug logging:

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" 'localhost:1880/debug' -X "DELETE"

Classes have 4 loglevels:

  • error
  • warn
  • info
  • debug

Log messages are typically built like this: <loglevel>:<class>:<name or id> <logmessage>, where currently the following classes exist (see the code). Each level of each class can be enabled or disabled seperately, and even per instance.

If running locally, you can set the DEBUG environment variable to enable debuggin: DEBUG="error:*,warn:*,info:*,trace:*" node-red


Credit where credit is due, this was inspired by the node-red-contrib-huemagic project, which stopped working for me at some point. That is when i decided to go and dive into this, and create my own wrapper around the hue clip v2 api.

I initially licensed this code under GPLv2, but have changed that to Apache v2 because both node-red as well asl the huemagic extension use that license, and i want this to be compatible so that in case it might be considered useful by either project, they can easily include it. Since Apache v2 is less restrictive than GPLv2, it imposes no limits w.r.t. the original license, the code can still be re-distributed under GPLv2.

Node Info

Version: 0.6.4
Updated 2 years, 3 months ago
License: Apache 2.0
Rating: not yet rated





4 in the last week


  • node-red
  • hue
  • clip
