@digital-tvilling/node-red-openapi-generator 1.1.1

A set of tools for generating OpenAPI3/Swagger documentation based on the HTTP nodes deployed in a flow. An updated version of the Node-RED Swagger Documentation Generator to support OpenAPI3.

npm install @digital-tvilling/node-red-openapi-generator

Node-RED OpenAPI3 Documentation Generator

This package provides a set of tools for generating OpenAPI3 documentation based on the HTTP nodes deployed in a flow.

It is a fork of the https://github.com/node-red/node-red-node-swagger repo with some significant updates of dependencies and restructuring due to the OpenAPI3-update. The package is not a complete implementation of all features of OpenAPI3 but some basics to generate correct .json files and Swagger-UI details.


  1. Install the node module

  2. If you want to provide a template OpenAPI file in settings.js:

     openapi: {
       template: {
         openapi: "3.0.0",
         info: {
           title: "My Node-RED API",
           version: "0.0.1",
           description: "API documentation generated by Node-RED"
         servers: [
             url: "http://localhost:1880/",
             description: "Local server"
         paths: {},
         components: {
           schemas: {},
           responses: {},
           parameters: {},
           securitySchemes: {}
           // Add other components here
  3. This template will remain unchanged and serve as the basis for the OpenAPI documentation.

Note: You may additionally add components like schemas, responses, parameters, securitySchemes, etc., to the OpenAPI file in settings.js to have those components available for reuse in the generated OpenAPI documentation.

    openapi: {
      template: {
        // ... (rest of your OpenAPI template)
      components: {
        schemas: {
          MySchema: {
            type: "object",
            properties: {
              name: {
                type: "string"
        securitySchemes: {
          ApiKeyAuth: {
            type: "apiKey",
            in: "header",
            name: "X-API-Key"
        // Add other reusable components here
  1. After installing the package, you have the option to identify metadata for each HTTP-In node that will be used in the OpenAPI doc generation.

  2. The generated OpenAPI documentation is then available at http://localhost:1880/http-api/swagger.json.

Path OpenAPI Generation

Via the editor, you can define metadata for each particular HTTP-In node to be used in OpenAPI generation.

To do so:

  1. Select an HTTP-In node in the editor. HTTP-In Node

  2. From the config panel, you can select a user-defined OpenAPI doc from the dropdown. You may create a new metadata definition by selecting "Add new swagger-doc..." and clicking the edit button. Config Panel

  3. This will launch the OpenAPI config panel, where you have three distinct tabs that make up the OpenAPI documentation.


Info Tab

This tab allows you to provide the basic information about the attached paths.

  • Summary - A short summary of what the operation does. For maximum readability in the Swagger-UI, this field SHOULD be less than 120 characters.
  • Description - A verbose explanation of the operation behavior. GFM syntax can be used for rich text representation.
  • Tags - A list of tags for API documentation control. Tags can be used for logical grouping of operations by resources or any other qualifier. These should be provided as a comma-separated list.
  • Deprecated - Declares this operation to be deprecated. Usage of the declared operation should be refrained.


Parameters Tab

This tab allows you to configure the parameters that can be used with the particular operation.

  • Name - The name of the parameter. Parameter names are case sensitive.
  • In - The location of the parameter. There are four supported locations of the parameter:
    • Query - Parameters that are appended to the URL. For example, in /items?id=###, the query parameter is id.
    • Header - Custom headers that are expected as part of the request.
  • Description - A brief description of the parameter. This could contain examples of use. GFM syntax can be used for rich text representation.
  • Required - Determines whether this parameter is mandatory.
  • Type - The type of the parameter. Since the parameter is not located at the request body, it is limited to simple types (that is, not an object).
  • Format - The extending format for the previously mentioned type.

If a body parameter is selected, the user will provide properties included in the body object, rather than specifying a type.


Responses Tab

This tab allows you to define the applicable responses that a user may receive back from the operation.

  • Code - You can either select to define the default response, or to provide a specific HTTP status code that the response will be applicable for. A default response is used to cover other undeclared responses.
  • Description - A short description of the response. This could contain examples of use. GFM syntax can be used for rich text representation.
  • Properties - The properties are the components that build up the schema of the response.
  • Name - The key name for the particular property.
  • Type - The type of the property.
  • Format - The extending format for the previously mentioned type.

If no responses are provided, a default response with the reply "success" will be used.

Request Body

This tab allows you to define the request body for the operation.

  • Description - A brief description of the request body.
  • Required - A checkbox to indicate if the request body is required.
  • Content Type - The media type of the request body (e.g., application/json).
  • JSON Schema - A text area where you can define the JSON schema for the request body. Example JSON Schema:
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": "John Doe"
    "age": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": 30
    "email": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "email",
      "example": "[email protected]"
  "required": ["name", "email"]



Swagger-UI is included in the plugin. Once loaded, the plugin will show a Swagger tab in the Node-RED sidebar. From here, you can see the dynamically generated OpenAPI documentation for the current flow. Additionally, you can use the test function to try out your API directly from the editor, providing any parameters you have defined in the docs for the HTTP-In nodes. The Swagger-UI will automatically refresh any time the flow is redeployed.


  • The paths entry of the OpenAPI documentation is generated based on the HTTP In nodes present in the flow.
  • If an OpenAPI template is not provided, the example above is used as the default.
  • If basePath is not set in the template, it is set to the value of httpNodeRoot if that value is something other than /.
Attribute definitions provided come from the OpenAPI Specification Version 3.1.0

Node Info

Version: 1.1.1
Updated 8 months, 2 weeks ago
License: Apache
Rating: 5.0 1





182 in the last week


  • swagger-doc


  • node-red
  • swagger
  • open-api



  • Nick O'Leary
  • Cody Walker
  • Jon Silver
  • Filip Åsblom