@crusaider/node-red-contrib-leakbot 1.1.0
A set of nodes allowing communication with the Leakbot API
Leakbot Node Red Nodes
A set of nodes allowing communication with the Leakbot API.
List Leakbot Devices
Get the devices avialble to the user.
The node disrespects any input. It will only serve as a trigger to get the status of the device.
The node will output a array of objects containing information of the avilable devices.
Leakbot Device Status
Get the status of a Leakbot device. Note that the device reports it's status to the cloud about once every 24 hours.
The node disrespects any input. It will only serve as a trigger to get the status of the device.
The node will output the status of the device of witch the id have been specified in the settings as a object.
The id of the device needs to be provided. This can be found by using the List Leakbot Devices node. In the output of that node there will be a array of objects containing the devices. Each object will have a id property. This id should be used in the Device ID field of this node.
Leakbot Water Usage
Get the water usage data of a Leakbot device.
The node disrespects any input. It will only serve as a trigger to get the status of the device.
The node will output the water usage stats of the device of witch the id have been specified in the settings as a object.
The id of the device needs to be provided. This can be found by using the List Leakbot Devices node. In the output of that node there will be a array of objects containing the devices. Each object will have a id property. This id should be used in the Device ID field of this node.
Leakbot Credentials
Stores the credentials for the Leakbot API.
Leakbot Only Allows One Login: If you use theese nodes the token your mobile app is connected to becomes invalid and you get logged out. This happens also if you re-log back into the app it invalidates the token for the nodes, however the nodes should automatically re-authenticate.
This is not an official Leakbot product. This is a community project and is not affiliated with Leakbot. Use at your own risk.