UIBuilder Example Flow to send and receive multiple data from node-red to webpage and vice versa

If you know about uibuilder , it's really awesome Node to make customized dashboards using HTML, CSS, and javascript.

If we install uibuilder , we will have a sample webpage that includes some basic operations and instructions.

uibuilder homepage: https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-uibuilder

In this Example flow, I am going to show some simple operation using uibuilder. We will take input from users in a form and send data to node-red from uibuilder. Then at the same time, we will receive data from node-red to our uibuilder webpage. I will include a youtube video link later on. [Update:Youtube Video link: https://youtu.be/NIeJ_VTI3i8 ] Enjoy!


Collection Info

Flow Info

Created 5 years, 4 months ago
Updated 4 years, 9 months ago
Rating: 4.75 4




Node Types

  • debug (x1)
  • inject (x4)
  • uibuilder (x1)


  • uibuilder
  • html
  • css
  • javascript
  • deshboard
Copy this flow JSON to your clipboard and then import into Node-RED using the Import From > Clipboard (Ctrl-I) menu option