Function node for easy debugging.


Function node for easy debugging.

Simply insert it into a connection:


The following is displayed as the status text:

  • "Data-type" as color / shape:
    • Boolean: Red (dot)
    • String: Blue (dot)
    • JSON: Blue (ring)
    • Number: Yellow (dot)
    • BigInt: Yellow (ring)
    • Array: Green (ring)
    • Object: Green (dot)
    • Everything else: Grey (dot)
  • Date and time of the last message
  • Topic (msg.topic)
  • Data-type
  • Payload (msg.payload) limited to 50 chars


[{"id":"a19dfe55.edac48","type":"function","z":"1e47caf.81f0ab5","name":"Debug","func":"// Debug V2.0, by Thorsten Willert\n// added: BigInt, JSON and Array (+ length) as \"data-types\".\n// changed: limited message-display to 50 chars.\n// changed: removed \"debug\" topic and added msg.topic to the node.status\n\nconst dtNow = new Date().toLocaleString();\n\nlet Type = typeof(msg.payload);\n\nlet sMsg = msg.payload;\n\nif (msg.payload.isArray) {\n    Type = 'array';\n    sMsg += ' (' + msg.payload.length + ')';\n}\n\nif (Type == \"string\") sMsg = msg.payload.substring(0, 50) + ' ...'; \n\n\nif (Type == 'string' && IsJsonString(msg.payload) ) {\n    Type = 'JSON';\n}\n\nlet sColor = typeToColor(Type);\nlet sShape = typeToShape(Type);\nlet Topic = '';\n\nif (msg.topic !== '') {\n    Topic = msg.topic + \" | \";\n}\n\nnode.status({\n        fill: sColor ,\n        shape: sShape,\n        text: dtNow + \" | \"  + Topic + Type + \" | \" + sMsg\n});\n\nreturn msg;\n\n// -------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunction typeToColor(value) {\n    switch(value){\n        case \"boolean\":\n            return \"red\";\n        case \"string\":\n        case \"JSON\":\n            return \"blue\";\n        case \"number\":\n            return \"yellow\";\n        case \"object\":\n        case \"array\":\n            return \"green\";\n        default:\n        return \"grey\";\n    }\n}\n\nfunction typeToShape(value) {\n    switch(value){\n        case \"boolean\":\n        case \"string\":\n        case \"number\":\n        case \"object\":\n            return \"dot\";\n        case \"bigint\":\n        case \"JSON\":\n        case \"array\":\n            return \"ring\";\n        default:\n        return \"dot\";\n    }\n}\n\nfunction IsJsonString(str) {\n    try {\n        JSON.parse(str);\n    } catch (e) {\n        return false;\n    }\n    return true;\n}","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":810,"y":1440,"wires":[["b3f4bd23.0ce8f8"]],"inputLabels":["msg.payload"],"outputLabels":["msg.payload"],"info":"# Debug\n\nFunction node for easy debugging.\n\nSimply insert it into a connection:\n\n![screenshot](\n\nThe following is displayed as the status text:\n\n- \"Data-type\" as color / shape:\n    - Boolean: Red (dot)\n    - String: Blue (dot)\n    - JSON: Blue (ring)\n    - Number: Yellow (dot)\n    - BigInt: Yellow (ring)\n    - Array: Green (ring)\n    - Object: Green (dot)\n    - Everything else: Grey (dot)\n- Date and time of the last message\n- Topic (msg.topic)\n- Data-type\n- Payload (msg.payload) limited to 50 chars"}]

Flow Info

Created 4 years, 1 month ago
Updated 3 years, 10 months ago
Rating: not yet rated




Node Types

  • function (x1)


  • debug
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