grafana dashboard export pdf

grafana dashboard export pdf

In setting dashboard go to the module link and set link from Node-Red ❤️


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When click btton executed this flow:

In node at function it'is to need add 3 parameters:

// URL to load should be passed as first parameter const url = 'http://localhost:3000/d/' + msg.req.params.uid + '/' + +'?orgId=1&kiosk';

// Username and password (with colon separator) should be second parameter const auth_string = ':!';

// Output file name should be third parameter const outfile = '';

Build Status

After call the link resulted in pdf

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it simple method export from grafna in pdf,

Thank you ✌️

[{"id":"6443db385c6f693c","type":"function","z":"bba055f91ed61523","name":"exportToPDF","func":"// @ts-nocheck\n\n// const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');\nconst puppeteer = global.get(\"puppeteer\");\n// const odbc = global.get(\"odbc\");\n\n// URL to load should be passed as first parameter\nconst url = '' + msg.req.params.uid + '/' + +'?orgId=1&kiosk';\n// Username and password (with colon separator) should be second parameter\n\nconst auth_string = '<username>:<password>';\n// Output file name should be third parameter\nconst outfile = '' + msg.req.params.uid+'.pdf';\n\n\n// TODO: Output an error message if number of arguments is not right or arguments are invalid\n\n// Set the browser width in pixels. The paper size will be calculated on the basus of 96dpi,\n// so 1200 corresponds to 12.5\".\nconst width_px = 1200;\n// Note that to get an actual paper size, e.g. Letter, you will want to *not* simply set the pixel\n// size here, since that would lead to a \"mobile-sized\" screen (816px), and mess up the rendering.\n// Instead, set e.g. double the size here (1632px), and call page.pdf() with format: 'Letter' and\n// scale = 0.5.\n\n// Generate authorization header for basic auth\n// @ts-ignore\nconst auth_header = 'Basic ' + new Buffer.from(auth_string).toString('base64');\n\n\n    const browser = await puppeteer.launch();\n    const page = await browser.newPage();\n\n    // Set basic auth headers\n    await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders({ 'Authorization': auth_header });\n\n    // Increase timeout from the default of 30 seconds to 120 seconds, to allow for slow-loading panels\n    await page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(120000);\n\n    // Increasing the deviceScaleFactor gets a higher-resolution image. The width should be set to\n    // the same value as in page.pdf() below. The height is not important\n    await page.setViewport({\n        width: width_px,\n        height: 5000,\n        deviceScaleFactor: 2,\n        isMobile: false\n    })\n\n    // Wait until all network connections are closed (and none are opened withing 0.5s).\n    // In some cases it may be appropriate to change this to {waitUntil: 'networkidle2'},\n    // which stops when there are only 2 or fewer connections remaining.\n    await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' });\n\n    // Hide all panel description (top-left \"i\") pop-up handles and, all panel resize handles\n    // Annoyingly, it seems you can't concatenate the two object collections into one\n    await page.evaluate(() => {\n        let infoCorners = document.getElementsByClassName('panel-info-corner');\n        for (el of infoCorners) { el.hidden = true; };\n        let resizeHandles = document.getElementsByClassName('react-resizable-handle');\n        for (el of resizeHandles) { el.hidden = true; };\n    });\n\n    // Get the height of the main canvas, and add a margin\n    var height_px = await page.evaluate(() => {\n        return document.getElementsByClassName('react-grid-layout')[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom;\n    }) + 20;\n    \n    const pdf = await page.pdf({\n        // path: outfile,\n        width: width_px + 'px',\n        height: height_px + 'px',\n        // format: 'A4',\n        // landscape: true,\n        //    format: 'Letter', <-- see note above for generating \"paper-sized\" outputs\n        scale: 1,\n        displayHeaderFooter: false,\n        margin: {\n            top: 0,\n            right: 0,\n            bottom: 0,\n            left: 0,\n        },\n    });\n   \n    await browser.close();\n\nmsg.payload = pdf;\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":710,"y":340,"wires":[["c16afcdef4d666f9"]]},{"id":"055d92ff53f6a113","type":"http in","z":"bba055f91ed61523","name":"","url":"/grafana/:uid/:name","method":"get","upload":false,"swaggerDoc":"","x":370,"y":340,"wires":[["358aef36352d4467"]]},{"id":"c16afcdef4d666f9","type":"change","z":"bba055f91ed61523","name":"Set Headers","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"headers","pt":"msg","to":"{}","tot":"json"},{"t":"set","p":"headers.content-type","pt":"msg","to":"application/pdf","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":870,"y":340,"wires":[["9f0a947e6bf771a7"]]},{"id":"9f0a947e6bf771a7","type":"http response","z":"bba055f91ed61523","name":"","x":1030,"y":340,"wires":[]},{"id":"358aef36352d4467","type":"string","z":"bba055f91ed61523","name":"replace","methods":[{"name":"replaceAll","params":[{"type":"str","value":" "},{"type":"str","value":"-"}]},{"name":"toLowerCase","params":[]}],"prop":"","propout":"","object":"msg","objectout":"msg","x":560,"y":340,"wires":[["6443db385c6f693c"]]}]

Flow Info

Created 2 years, 7 months ago
Rating: 4.6 5




Node Types

  • change (x1)
  • function (x1)
  • http in (x1)
  • http response (x1)


  • grafana
  • pdf
  • export
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