for-loop (simple iterating over an array)

UPDATE: there's now a node for this @

An array iterator. This is a 'drop-in'-flow consisting of 2 machines, which allows easy iteration over an array, and converts them to separate payloads:

Just send the following payload to the 'for each item'-machine:


and connect the output of the 'for each item'-machine to a debug-console. By doing so, 2 separate payloads will arrive:

payload: {"foo":1}
payload: {"foo":2}

you can modify the loop behavior (break e.g.) by editing the condition in the '++' machine

this method is similar like this and this approach. However, this variation focuses on portability and simplicity.

[{"id":"3367e45f.cc981c","type":"function","name":"++","func":"if ( (msg.i += 1) < msg.items.length ) return msg;\n","outputs":1,"x":376,"y":268,"z":"886b17b1.7794e8","wires":[["116d5bb3.ee92a4"]]},{"id":"116d5bb3.ee92a4","type":"function","name":"for each item","func":"if( msg.i     == undefined ) msg.i = 0;\nif( msg.items == undefined ) msg.items = msg.payload;\n\nmsg.payload = msg.items[ msg.i ];\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"x":378,"y":240,"z":"886b17b1.7794e8","wires":[["3367e45f.cc981c","92f7e57c.6d0818"]]}]

Flow Info

Created 10 years, 5 months ago
Updated 9 years, 4 months ago
Rating: 5 1



Node Types

  • function (x2)


  • loop
  • forloop
  • while
  • iteration
  • array
Copy this flow JSON to your clipboard and then import into Node-RED using the Import From > Clipboard (Ctrl-I) menu option