InfluxDB Collection

Some nodes and flows that are useful for working with InfluxDB

InfluxDB is a Time-Series database very well suited to IoT use. It is very efficient at handling large amounts of date/time based data such as values from IoT sensors.

It also runs quite happily on the limited resources of a Raspberry Pi (as long as you are sensible about the volume of data you handle). It has some clever features that let you limit the amount of data in a table and, at the same time, letting you automatically aggregate/summarise detailed data. For example limiting 1-minute sensor data to a week but creating hourly avg/max/min values for each sensor and keeping that for 5 years.

InfluxDB works well with Grafana which makes creating complex dashboards simple with a click and select interface. Also useful with Telegraf which lets you capture other data into InfluxDB without code (e.g. your OS system performance).

Collection Info

26 things
Updated 4 years, 7 months ago
Rating: 5 1

