openBCI toolkit

This toolkit contains nodes for the Node-RED library, configured within the OpenBCI category, used for the design and integration of an EEG-based Brain-Machine Interface in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT). The openBCI toolkit in Node-RED can be used with more than 20 open-source EEG boards based on BrainFlow API which supports and provide uniform data acquisition API for them.

Please, make sure to use Python 3+. Next, install the latest release from PYPI with the following command in terminal:
python -m pip install brainflow

If you have used 'openBCI toolkit' in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations to the following paper: How to cite: Kremenska, A.; Lekova, A. New Nodes for Node‐RED Library within OpenBCI Category for EEG‐Based Brain‐Machine Interface Design and Integration in IoT. Preprints 2024, 2024011608.

Collection Info

3 things
Updated 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Rating: not yet rated


