PHYSICS pattern flows for Cloud/Edge and Openwhisk

The collection contains a set of pattern subflows that aim to aid in various aspects of a Cloud/Edge application. They can assist in application development, workflow or execution management as well as usage of Node-RED as an orchestration mechanism. Many of the flows have been designed for usage in combination or within the open source Openwhisk FaaS platform, however they can also be used as standalone flows in a typical Node-RED server environment.

The collection also includes helper subflows of a more general nature, such as polling to pushing converters, async API result acquisition, load generation for performance testing etc.

The research and implementation leading to the results presented in this collection has received funding from the European Union's Project H2020 PHYSICS (GA 101017047). For more info visit

Collection Info

24 things
Updated 1 year, 6 months ago
Rating: 5 1

