node-red-node-foursquare 0.1.0

Node-RED nodes to talk to Foursquare and Swarm

npm install node-red-node-foursquare

Node-RED nodes to get Foursquare recommendations and check Swarm checkins


Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install

    npm install node-red-node-foursquare


###Foursquare query node

Can be used to

  • explore recommended venues of a particular type near a given latitude and longitude

The type of venue to explore can be passed in as settings on the node or as the msg.payload.section of the message input. Valid entries are:

  • food
  • drinks
  • coffee
  • shops
  • arts
  • outdoors
  • sights
  • all

The value set on the node will take precedence over the contents of msg.payload.section.

The number of results to return from the query and how to return them (either as a single message or as multiple messages) are settings on the node.

The node sets the following properties

  • payload - the JSON of the recommended venue
  • title - the name of the recommended venue
  • - the latitude of the recommended venue
  • location.lon - the longitude of the recommended venue
  • - the city where the recommended venue is
  • - the country where the recommended venue is
  • - the name of the recommended venue

The exact location of these properties depends on the number of results chosen to be returned along with how to return them:

  • If the node output value is set to one then for both returning as a single message and as multiple messages, the node returns a msg for the first in an ordered list of recommended venues near the provided latitude and longitude. The returned msg has the payload, location and name properties.

  • If the node output value is set to more than one to be returned as a single message the node sets msg.payload to be an array of msgs, each one corresponding to a recommended venue and ordered according to the Foursquare venues explore API. The first element in the array is the most highly recommended venue and the length of the array is the output value set on the node or the number of venues found, whichever is smaller. Each element in this array has the payload, title, location and name properties.

  • If the node output value is set to more than one but to be returned as a multiple then the node sends multiple msgs, each one representing a recommended venue.

For further information about the Foursquare API see Explore Recommended and Popular Venues.

###Swarm input node

Polls every 15 minutes for the latest Swarm check-ins that have been registered by the authenticated user since the node was registered. If a new check-in has been made within the polling interval then msg.payload is set to be the JSON of the most recent new check-in.

The properties of the Swarm check-in are documented at Checkin Response.

###Swarm query node

Can be used to search

  • all Swarm check-ins by the authenticated user.

The node sets msg.payload to be the JSON of the most recent check-in. If no check-ins are found then the returned msg will have a null payload. The properties of the Swarm check-in are documented at Checkin Response.

Data provided by Foursquare.

Node Info

Version: 0.1.0
Updated 9 years, 6 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: not yet rated




2 in the last week


  • foursquare-credentials
  • foursquare
  • swarm in
  • swarm


  • node-red
  • foursquare
  • swarm
  • food
  • checkin
