node-red-contrib-qmotion 0.0.4

A Node-RED node to control QMotion blinds using a QSync device

npm install node-red-contrib-qmotion

NPM Version Dependency Status

A Node-RED node to control QMotion blinds using a QSync device


Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install npm install node-red-contrib-qmotion


This node sends commands to a QMotion blind via a QSync device. It is configured with the following properties:

  • IP: the IP address of the QSync device

It receives input messages containing:

  • channel: identifier of the blind
  • blindPosition: the new position of the blind

The commands are submitted to the QSync device using the qmotion package published by devbobo. It should be noted the qmotion package has been developed based on observations rather than a published API. The QSync device then interacts with the blinds over 433MHz RF.

Node Info

Version: 0.0.4
Updated 6 years, 11 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: not yet rated




1 in the last week


  • qmotion


  • node-red
  • qmotion
  • qsync
  • blinds
