node-red-contrib-exosite 0.3.3

A node for node-red that uses the device api to talk to Exosite's Murano

npm install node-red-contrib-exosite

A node-red node that accesses devices on Exosite's Murano platform.

It uses the HTTP Data API to read, write, or watch aliases on a device.

Device config

The exosite nodes are configured to talk to a device instance inside Murano. This instance has a set of aliases that descibe the points where data can be read or wrote. Each device instance is defined by a product ID and serial number.

If node-red is running on a machine that also has Gateway Engine (GWE) installed, you can select 'GWE' to access the Gateway Engine's device instance.

A device instance in Murano needs to be in the 'notactivated' or 'whitelisted' state so that it can be activated by the exosite node-red node. This happens when you create a new device in Murano.

Node Info

Version: 0.3.3
Updated 7 years, 2 months ago
License: BSD-3-Clause
Rating: not yet rated




1 in the last week


  • exo-config-client
  • exo-write-client
  • exo-read-client
  • exo-watch-client


  • node-red
  • exosite
  • oneplatform
  • murano
