Data Log Weather SQLite

This is a simple flow which will get the weather information whenever it changes and extract the temperature in Celsius, humidity, look, details about the look.

For this a Database file is created with name as weather

Database Structure:

weather [Filename] | |======temperature [tablename] | |==== date [col 1] |==== temperature [col 2] |==== humidity [col 3] |==== look [col 4] |==== detail [col 5]

the moment node is used for the date. and the date format is date month year without space.

any changes in the weather information will triggers a data injection.

since only 4 data was taken for storage its possible that same information can be stored twice because of the change of the hidden values.

An another version with Dashboard and retrieval will be added soon.

required nodes: [other than base nodes]

sqlite moment

[{"id":"9cb4c385.634b4","type":"sqlitedb","db":"/home/karthhic/weather"},{"id":"2c320d48.59ff02","type":"openweathermap in","name":"","lon":"","lat":"","city":"Tampere","country":"Finland","x":86.5,"y":388,"z":"7ed71e0a.377cd8","wires":[["da4a1d3f.077c8"]]},{"id":"537e7081.111108","type":"debug","name":"","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"topic","x":708,"y":388,"z":"7ed71e0a.377cd8","wires":[]},{"id":"6e7cc218.88ea54","type":"template","name":"","field":"topic","format":"handlebars","template":"INSERT INTO temperature (date,temperature,humidity,look,detail)\nVALUES ({{date}},{{payload.tempc}},{{payload.humidity}},\"{{}}\",\"{{payload.detail}}\");","x":446,"y":389,"z":"7ed71e0a.377cd8","wires":[["88876ba0.6da6f8"]]},{"id":"da4a1d3f.077c8","type":"moment","name":"","topic":"","input":"payload","format":"DDMMYY","locale":"","output":"date","x":283,"y":387,"z":"7ed71e0a.377cd8","wires":[["6e7cc218.88ea54"]]},{"id":"88876ba0.6da6f8","type":"sqlite","mydb":"9cb4c385.634b4","name":"db","x":571,"y":388,"z":"7ed71e0a.377cd8","wires":[["537e7081.111108"]]}]

Flow Info

Created 8 years, 9 months ago
Updated 8 years, 6 months ago
Rating: not yet rated




Node Types

  • debug (x1)
  • template (x1)


  • weather
  • sqlite
  • log
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